The Bodhi Tree eco boutique
Supporting and encouraging people to live their best life ever with goods, gift & services to nurture and heal the body, mind & spirit. Products: eco-friendly, organic products and unique gifts such as: Nutrient dense organic Superfoods, natural bath and body products, yoga accessories, healing crystals and pendulums, angel cards, books, incense, loose-leaf teas, so much more.
Services: Yoga, Massage Therapy, Reiki
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facebook.comYo yogis! Tuesday evening yoga class is officially on hiatus for the summer. Check the schedule online for alternate classes to get your yoga fix.
***SATURDAY MORNING YOGA UPDATE*** Barb will be instructing the Saturday morning yoga class, NOT Kimberly as per previously posted. Kimberly will be on the instructors mat in the near future!!! Stay tuned!
Heads up yogis, YOGA CLASSES (Chair & Yin) are CANCELLED TONIGHT (May 23) . My sincerest apologies for the cancellations. BUUUT, I am ecstatic to report the reason for this is to pick Kimberly Erin up from the airport!!! YES IT'S TRUE!!! She will be back in town and filling a few teaching spots at the Bodhi Tree as well!
“... and when you came here, you came here with a sense of #awe and #wonder, dying to see what it’s all about...what would it be like to be down there? To be a part of it. You came here with the sense of wonder and SOME HOW the wonder of it wasn’t enough or you stopped wondering at it and started wondering about yourself. And in your wondering about yourself, you forgot what you came here for; what you came to be a part of...” #burgs #thispreciouslife #aweandwonder #momentslikethis❤️ #aseriesofexperiences #journeyoftheheart #naturetherapy🍃 #choices #choosejoy #choosehappiness💕 #gratitudemakesushappy #springjoy #mayallbeingsbesafehappyandfree
Heads up yogis! As per our usual Bodhi Tree long weekend policy... NO YOGA CLASSES - Saturday, May 18 Monday, May 21 We are back to it Tuesday @ 6pm ~ Slow Flow yoga with Marie Wishing everyone an exquisite weekend of outdoor fun and happy times!!! Namaste
Get your yoga on at The Bodhi Tree eco boutique
Der back in stock and happy to report, as grippy as ever!!! Take your practice to a whole nother level with this sweet earth friendly mat! ***FLASH SALE *** If you’re a Bodhi Tree yoga card holder this sale is for you... 15% OFF All yoga mats. Sale ends May 19. #Jade #Yoga #Mats #buyamatplantatree #getyeryogaon #yogaaccessories #ecofriendlyisourjam #yogalove❤️ #namaste🙏
We apologize for the short notice yogis... Tonight’s yoga class (Tuesday, May 15 @ 6pm) is cancelled.
We are SUPER EXCITED to be carrying this locally penned book by an incredibly gifted author - - #Trina Moyles!!! I had the honor of attending her book launch at #javadomain last month and found myself moved to the brink of tears as she recited an excerpt from this fascinating read. The book is also filled with many incredible photos that have their own stories to tell. #womenwhodig #farming #feminism #fighttofeedtheworld #strongwomen #summerreading #gratitude #quartzcrystals #affirmationbookmarks #mayallbeingsbenourished #gratitude #namaste🙏
Yummmm... And The Bodhi Tree eco boutique gots the props you need.
“If in every breath you strip naked just like a winter the joy of spring will grow from within.” #rumiquotes #rebirth #renew #rejoice #sacredspring #springjoy #innerradiance #peaceriver #peacetoallbeingseverywhere #namaste🙏
Your local source for healing crystals. Today’s feature: Orange Calcite. The color reminds me of the Creamsicles I used to eat as a kid. Orange calcite can help to increase the flow of positive energies in your body so that the negative energies can be dispelled. It can also do the same with the space you inhabit, the things that you use, and the people you spend time with. This stone will help you change old patterns, behaviors, and ways of thinking that no longer serve and support your journey. ***25% OFF CRYSTALS THROUGH APRIL 14*** #healingcrystals #largevarietyofshapesand sizes #crystaljewellery #morethanayogastudio #healthyliving #mindbodysoul #astoretodiscoverifyouhaventalready #peacetoallbeingseverywhere #namaste🙏