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Town of Oxbow

307 Main Street, Oxbow, Canada
Government Organization



Nestled in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan, Oxbow is a thriving and progressive community.  Located on primary highway # 18, approximately forty minutes from the U.S. and Manitoba border.


Don't forget - it's free dump weekend! This is a good opportunity to get your yard cleaned up. (Whiteware/appliances excluded).

The Town is seeking a Park Manager for the Bow Valley Park, for the months of May through to October. Please provide your resume and references to the Town Office no later than Tuesday, May 23.

Hi everyone, until a new Bow Valley Park Manager is in place please phone Christy at the Town Office with regard to camping sites. Her phone number is 306-483-2300.


Oxbow Swimming Pool

Oxbow Swimming Pool

Town of Oxbow (Home)

The landfill/transfer station is now open for summer hours. For details check the Town of Oxbow website.

The landfill/transfer station is now open for summer hours. For details check the Town of Oxbow website.

Planned power outage this afternoon! Rurals Affected: Oxbow southeast Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 Start time: 3:00 PM End time: 5:00 PM Reason: System Maintenance

Water Security Agency

WSA Release from Alameda Reservoir Snowfall in the first couple of weeks of March has increased the Alameda Reservoir inflow forecast. As such we are required under the terms of the 1989 Canada-US- Agreement to bring the reservoir down to 558.0 m prior to the start of runoff. On March 17, 2017 we will increase the release rate to 5m³/s and on Monday March 20, 2017 it will increase to 10m³/s. If necessary the total out flow will be increased to 15m³/s. Please use caution when on or near the ice at all times. For more information on our forecasts please refer to the attached document or visit our website at If you have any questions please contact the Weyburn office at 306.848.2345.

Blue Cross & Sask in Motion Get Our Community Moving Challenge

It's the LAST DAY of the Go Out and Play Challenge! So far Oxbow has registered 189,865 minutes - that is awesome. I know that the Swimming Pool Board is so grateful for everyone that has participated, and so is the Recreation Board. But it's not over yet. You have until 11:59 tonight to register your minutes so let's make that final push to make it past 200,000 minutes! The rankings have been taken off the website until Tuesday, March 14 when we'll find out how we have done. Let's all GO OUT AND PLAY!

Regens will be out next Tuesday, March 14 for regular garbage pick up. They will be sending an extra guy out so if you have a couple extra bags you are to put them out beside your trash bin.

Regens will not be coming to town today. We will post when we know what day they will come to make up for it.


NEAR Town of Oxbow