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Collective Health Clinic

633206 Highway 10, Orangeville, Canada



CHC is an integrative health clinic, helping people reach their health goals.


Eat in the dark to lose weight, say scientists

Many of us are programmed to eat everything on our plates, maybe they are onto something?!

Court awards $72M to family of woman who used talcum powder and died of ovarian cancer

It's not just the food we put in our mouths but also the products we put on our skin that can contribute to health issues. Toxins are toxins regardless of what form they come in. See Melanie to discuss detoxing if you are concerned about your toxicity levels.

What’s In It: Packaged Oatmeal

What's in your packaged oatmeal? Check out Melanie's new blog and find out!

Collective Health Clinic

Acupuncture offers holistic alternative to Botox - The Boston Globe

If you've ever considered Botox or surgery to fight against aging, you should talk to Dr.Danielle and try facial rejuvenation acupuncture first!Its benefits go beyond reducing fine lines, and improving skin tone and colour.

High-protein diet linked to muscle retention during weight loss: study

When consulting with clients for weight loss, our Nutritionist Melanie is always on top of ensuring there is sufficient protein in the diet to help build muscle and promote fat loss!

Meghan Telpner

How much sugar are you drinking in the morning?

Mark Hyman, MD

Most of Melanie's clients are surprised at how much fat she includes in their plans and even more surprised when they start to feel better and lose weight! If you want to give up one thing, give up the sugar, not fat!

Just eat real food!

Widely used heartburn drugs linked to dementia risk, study suggests

Wait - Dr. Danielle has an about, instead of just taking these drugs everyday, for the rest of your life, maybe you should see an ND to figure out WHY you even need them in the first place? Then fix that and get off the meds. PPI's are one of the most overly prescribed drugs, and are also one of the easiest to get off of. Let's chat.

Great news!!! Melanie is a member of the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners and they now have coverage through Greenshield and Manulife Insurance companies!! Insurance coverage will be in affect if the policy includes nutritional counselling as an option. If your insurance policy is a corporate one you will need to make sure that your employer has included that option as part of your coverage. This is a biggie for the nutrition industry and hopefully we will see more insurance companies coming on board soon! Check your policy for coverage and call us to set up an appointment with Melanie!!

Food Babe

Melanie loves this idea. Food can be so healing when used in the right ways!


NEAR Collective Health Clinic