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Geckos Grill

6228 Main Street, Oliver, Canada
Family Style Restaurant



We are a family owned restaurant Run by Bill and Dawn Reid, with a focus on family friendly food at a fair price.
We are licensed and can be found on on Main Street in Oliver, BC

Come and enjoy our home-style menu of Burgers, Steaks, Ribs and more!



Well not sure how to say this as we are very sad to have to tell all of our regular customers that Geckosgrill is closed for good may 30 2018 !!! Thanks to all that have supported us for the last 9 years !!

Hats off to Carrie at coffee talk newspaper see wrote a article about a bakery that was well known ! times got tough and people stoped going to buy bread !so of course the bakery was going to close due to not enough business ! A regular customer started to advertise for them for free to help them out ! He wrote weeky and allways headed his articles USE THEM OR LOOSE THEM !! It hit home and people started coming back resuting in them staying in business ! Makes you think heh ?


NEAR Geckos Grill