The Halton Hearing Centre strives to provide every patient with superior and customized hearing healthcare Our mission at the Halton Hearing Centre is to provide sound hearing solutions for our patients. We offer quality products from the most reputable companies, and provide exceptional customer service and advice you can trust.
Let us do what we do best to help you hear at your best!
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facebook.comKeep Your Mind Fit: Address Hearing Loss
Keep Your Mind Fit: Address hearing Loss! #betterhearing #hearing #haltonhearing #hearingloss #fithearing
Brain Plasticity Compensates for Damaged Auditory Nerve Fibers
Retweeted Oticon USA, Inc. (@OticonUSA): Ever wonder why some patients report difficulties understanding speech despite having normal #hearing thresholds?
Halton Hearing Ctr (@haltonhearing) posted a photo on Twitter
Read more about Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and the importance of proper ear protection.
10 Surprising Facts About Hearing Loss | Starkey Blog
Surprise, Surprise! #facts #hearingloss #surprise #hearingaids #hearingaid #haltonhearing #hearbetter
Hearing Loss Association of America (Official Page)
"Wearing my hearing aids gives me security, strength, and the ability to thrive in today's world"
This Is What It's Like To Lose Your Hearing
Life after hearing loss: #hearingloss #medicaldaily #hearing #haltonhearing #life #hearingaids
Timeline Photos
Happy Valentine's Day from the Halton Hearing Centre!
Entire Town Secretly Learns Sign Language To Give A Deaf Man The Best Day Of His Life
Kudos to Samsung for increasing accessibility to the hearing impaired! This video brought a little tear to my eyes! It goes to show how much hearing (or lack of hearing) affects our ability to interact socially with the world around us...
Awesome gifts for your valentine with hearing loss
Awesome gifts for your Valentine with hearing loss! #hearingloss #valentine #hearts #hearing
John F. Ross students kick-off brain tumour awareness fundraiser | News | Upper Grand District...
As an alumna, I'm super proud of these students fundraising for a great cause! @JohnFRoss #Guelph #fundraising
Insurance for Hearing Aids - AARP
Should you insure your hearing aids? Here's an informative article for your consideration!
ASHA on Twitter
#Technology is always improving! What is the #hearing industry going to look like in 10 or 20 years! #health #future