City of North Battleford (Official)
We want our news and advisories to get to our citizens right from the source. You will find those messages here, on Twitter, the website and YouTube.
We use this page to keep you up to date with the latest happenings regarding the City of North Battleford.
Social media: websites and applications used for social networking.
The City of North Battleford currently utilizes Facebook, Twitter, and occasionally YouTube to promote programs and services. From time to time, other information (Ie: from the RCMP or Saskatchewan Highways) the Communications Department determines as pertinent to North Battleford and area residents, is also shared.
The City of North Battleford is committed to operating its social networking sites as an effective method of communication with interested users. Sites are monitored during the regular business hours of Monday to Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm, however not consistently. Occasionally, the sites are monitored after hours ie: in emergencies or when urgent messages are necessary. Interested users are encouraged to call the City of North Battleford for questions requiring timely response.
While the City will make every effort to respond to concerns and questions on our social media accounts, at our discretion we may request the discussion be redirected to either phone or email. The reason(s) for this request would include, but is not limited to, privacy concerns (yours, a fellow resident(s), or employee(s) of the City), character limitations for messages (Twitter), and amount of detail required to resolve a situation.
It is in the nature of social media communications that accuracy and timeliness may not be guaranteed and may not be reliable; as such, users acknowledge that the City of North Battleford makes no such guarantees, especially guarantees of immediate responses. Further, the City of North Battleford is not responsible for the authenticity or suitability of content posted to its social media by others.
The City of North Battleford will adhere to all applicable legislation regarding privacy and freedom of information. For the most part, user comments and messages posted to City of North Battleford official social networking sites are considered transitory records and will not be kept as a permanent record by City of North Battleford. By using City of North Battleford social media, users acknowledge and consent that their comments or messages may become part of the public record and used in official City of North Battleford documentation. It is at the City of North Battleford's sole discretion as to which comments will be saved to form part of the City's official records when or if necessary.
Images and comments posted by third parties do not necessarily represent the views of City of North Battleford. The City of North Battleford cannot and does not guarantee user privacy on third party social networking websites, as users are subject to the terms and conditions of the specific application on that website. Users should review and agree to the third party terms and conditions prior to participating.
Tell your friends
facebook.comToday May 16th there will be an Alley Way Closure between Gregory Drive to Bowers Drive from 11:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. The closure will be for tree pruning.
There will be a Partial Street Closure today May 16th on Railway Avenue from Battleford Road to 101st Street. Expect one lane traffic. The closure will be from 10:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M.
Today, May 16th and tomorrow May 17th there will be a Street Closure on the 1400th block of 111th Street for valve repair. The closure began at 8:00 A.M.
City of North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Check out some updates on our Capital Works Construction Projects around North Battleford:
SASKPower will hold planned outages for system maintenece tomorrow, May 16th. Areas effective include: Thatcher Avenue, Marquis Avenue, Canola Avenue, Fyfe Avenue, Hereford Street, Aberdeen Street, Jersey Street and Holstein Street. The outage will start at 5:30 P.M. and is scheduled to end at 7:00 P.M. For the latest updates visit:
City of North Battleford, Saskatchewan
There will be partial street closures along 100th Street this week. Visit our site here: for details.
Check out our website here: for details on tonight's planning committee agenda!
There will be a Street Closure Today, May 15th at 1752 100th Street from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. The street closure is for Utility Locates.
Timeline Photos
Stay Up to Date With This Weeks City Bulletin!
There will be a Rolling Street Closure on Territorial Drive from Railway Avenue to Highway #4 South today May 12th, from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The closure is for road repairs.
Water Main Line Flushing Continues. Visit our website here: for the latest updates.
Timeline Photos
Get ready for Block Party Weekend! Come to an information session next Wednesday May 17 at 5:30 for details!