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Jessie Wyllie Athletic Therapy

#206-601 Front St, Nelson, Canada
Medical & Health



| Athletic Therapy |
| Injury Assessment & Rehab |
| Biomechanical/Functional Movement Assessment |
| Pre-Season Injury Prevention Programming |
| First Responder Field Coverage |
| Concussion Testing & Management |
| Educational Workshops & Lectures | Since graduating from the Bachelor of Athletic and Exercise Therapy program at Camosun College, Jessie has been busy keeping athletes and active individuals pain and injury free.  Working with a wide variety of individuals of all ages and abilities, Jessie focuses on finding the root cause of an injury and creating a rehab program uniquely tailored to each client.

Areas of Special Interest Include:
Competitive youth athletes
Injury prevention and biomechanical assessments
Concussion management & rehab
Emotional & psychological outcomes of dealing with injuries


Thank you Entropy Physiotherapy and Wellness! So much yes in this post!! Our goal as health care professionals is to help our clients be functional and pain free. If we can't do it ourselves we refer to someone else! No one should ever have to be told to just give up...

Such an amazing weekend back with the Shawnigan hockey crew! Last time I worked with most of these boys they were tiny little shy bantam kids... Definitely not anymore lol!! . Congrats on the big win today boys! You earned it.

Happy 2018 all <3

Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing you all a relaxing holiday season filled with so much love and laughter <3

You know that really popular excuse of "but I just don't have time to do my rehab work..." I call Bull! If your recovery really matters to you, you will find the time. Kieran here, is a full time student and competitive soccer player. He travels 5 hours most weekends to practice with one of his teams and has local practices and gyms training during the week. You want to talk about busy schedule? This kid knows what busy is! Yet he also understands that in order to get better and perform at his best, he NEEDS to put in the work. As much as we healthcare providers would love to be able to wave our magic hands over you and poof you're all doesn't quite work like that... The majority of recovery falls back on you the client. We provide you with the tools and then it's up to you to take it from there. So let's stop with the excuses and the frustration towards your healthcare providers when you don't do the homework they give you and yet expect to see drastic improvements right away. And with the new year fast approaching, maybe let's try and put a little extra focus into prioritizing our bodies and our health. If you want to find out more about athletic therapy and how it can help you out, check out:

I can't stress this point enough - mouth guards physically can NOT prevent a concussion!! . A concussion is defined as a traumatic brain injury induced by biomechanical forces. It may be caused by a direct blow to the head, face, neck or elsewhere on the body with an impulsive force transmitted to the head. . In other words, any force that causes your brain to suddenly shake and bash against the inside of your skull can cause a concussion. You do not even need to physically hit your head in order to receive a concussion! . Keeping this is mind, let's think about whether a mouth guard can stop the brain from hitting the inside of the skull after receiving some sort of blow? NOPE! . Be smart, do your research, and don't buy into the latest fads claiming to protect your kids from concussions.

Calgary I'm coming for you! New clinic location to be announced.
