Welcome to the Town of Nanton. Where small town values are part of our past, present and future. Disclaimer
July 30, 2013
The Town of Nanton uses Social Media platforms to engage residents and visitors in conversations that contribute to the information dissemination and promotion of Town programs and services. Social Media offers Town officials and departments the ability to publish messages, links and videos related to governance, programs, services, events, activities or stories believed to be of interest or relevance to members in our community.
The Town of Nanton is not responsible for the authenticity or suitability of content posted to the channel by others. Posted comments and images do not necessarily represent the views of the Town Nanton. Content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is the sole responsibility of the person who generated the content. No user should transmit content or otherwise conduct or participate in any activities on the Towns social media channels that is likely to be prohibited by law including intellectual property and copyright infringements. The public is responsible for ensuring that any graphics, text, photographs, images, video, audio or other material posted, does not violate the copyright, trademark, or any other personal or proprietary rights without the permission of the owner of such rights.
The Town of Nanton cannot and does not guarantee privacy on third party social networking websites. Users are subject to the terms and conditions of the specific third party application. The Town of Nanton is not be responsible for any losses or damages any user may suffer as a result of using third party social networking sites; users participate at their own risk, for their own benefit and in so doing accept that they have no right of action against the Town Nanton related to such use.
The Town has the right to edit and or delete any inappropriate content from this page, including but not limited to: uncivil or disrespectful content, attacks or complaints against an individual, violations against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, campaigning, financial solicitations, irrelevant content, redundant content, hateful or malicious content and any content that violates (Facebook’s, Twitters, YouTube’s) terms of use, code of conduct or other policies. Content that violates the social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) policies may also be reported.
This site is regularly monitored, and any inappropriate posts will be promptly removed.
Please contact regarding violation of these guidelines on the use of the official Town of Nanton Facebook page.
Town of Nanton
1907 21 Street
Nanton, Alberta
T0L 1R0
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facebook.comConcert with Great Plains in Nanton

5th Annual Nanton Parade of Garage Sales

Good morning everyone! As I am sure everyone is aware, we have been working a long time in getting the new Wastewater Treatment Plant built. I am pleased to report we are reaching the end. The plant's construction is completed, and all of the equipment is currently being commissioned by GE. Our staff are being trained, and we're getting ready to turn the new plant on officially very soon. The final step is the tie-in of the new plant to our existing sewer lines. This work is currently TENTATIVELY scheduled for June 5, 2017. The work will be performed overnight so that we have the least disruption to the overall sewer system. To help out with this final tie-in, the Town of Nanton will be REQUESTING residents "refrain from the drain" for the one night where this tie-in is performed, between 12 midnight and 6 am. To be clear, this doesn't mean that residents should not use water at all, or not use the bathroom…if you have a need for water and sewer use, please do so. However, the less wastewater we have flowing in during this operation, the easier it is to complete. We will keep you informed as we get closer and finalize the date. If you require further information, please contact Kevin Miller, CAO at (403) 646-2029 or
Southern Alberta town’s animal shelter in desperate need of new home
Good afternoon everyone! Thank you to everyone that has reported our water main leak over by Centennial Park & the ball diamonds. We have finally received back all of the First Call information and our contractor is arriving tomorrow morning. Residents on the north side of Town between 15th and 18th streets may have water turned off tomorrow as this repair is undertaken...we will of course attempt to isolate as close as possible to the repair, but due to the age of infrastructure in that area of Town we may have to turn off water to a larger area than just the immediately affected areas. Thank you for your understanding as we undertake this infrastructure repair.
Are you prepared for an emergency? In the event of a disaster or other emergency situation, you may be required to evacuate on very short notice, or shelter in place in your home and take care of your own needs for 72 hours. This includes your pets! Are you prepared? Check this online quiz to find out!
Timeline Photos
Good afternoon everyone! This Saturday, the 4th annual Nanton Spring Fling Market will be taking place from 10:00am until 3:00pm at the Nanton Community Centre. Over 25 vendors from in and around Nanton will be there, and we hope to see you too!

Good morning everyone! The Town Office Staff will be undergoing training in Emergency Management on Wednesday and Thursday, May 3rd and 4th. Due to this training, the Town Office will be CLOSED for both days. Bill payments may be dropped off in the mail slot in the front door. If you have a serious issue that requires immediate attention, please call (403) 312-2877 and our public works crew will be happy to assist. We thank you for your understanding as we undertake this very important training. There is a Council meeting tonight at 7:00pm at the Fire Hall. Topics for discussion include the 2017 Tax Rate Bylaw (Spoiler: The Mill Rate for municipal operations will go down SLIGHTLY from 2016) and discussion surrounding whether we should conduct a municipal census. We hope to see you there!
Timeline Photos
Today, we remember those who didn't return home from safe in all you do.

Good morning everyone! We have filled 3 of 4 bins at the Nanton Recycle Depot for the "Dump your Junk" program. Once the last bin is full, this year's program will end!
Good afternoon everyone! I am pleased to report that the bins are finally in-place at the Recycling Depot, so if you were holding off to help us out until the bins arrive, now is your opportunity! We will be open until 5:30pm tonight, 8:30am-4:00pm tomorrow, 8:30am to 4:30pm on Saturday. We will be closed on Sunday. If there is still space in bins, we will be opening on Monday as well...stay tuned for hours! Again, my sincere thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding.
Good morning everyone! So...the bins haven't arrived again yet, but we're not going to let a lack of bins get in the way of spring cleanup any longer! The rules remain the same - a maximum of one 1/2 ton truck load & no Freon based appliances. Town of Nanton staff will help direct you to where you can dump your junk, and we'll get it into the bins when they arrive. Again, our thanks for your patience and understanding, and if you need to, get out there and Dump Your Junk! :)