"To reach and disciple people in our community by modeling Jesus Christ."
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS to our dedication service of our new building in 1954. I was looking through the book from our centennial celebration in 1986 and found this lovely photo. Please tag or mention anyone you recognize, or relatives of anyone you recognize! #tbt #emmanuelbaptistchurch #ebcmorris #morrismb #newbuilding #tbt1954 #dedicationservice
Pastor Nate begins his sermon this week talking about the Bell X-1 airplane, the first airplane to to finally break the sound barrier. “Once the sound barrier was broken, the controls would work backwards. Pushing up, for some reason, meant your plane would go down, and pushing down meant your plane would go up. . . . This is a great illustration for what Jesus is doing in the Sermon on the Mount. . . . a picture of Jesus taking the controls of life and the way things in our world work, and showing us that they’ve got to work backwards if we’re going to fly free and clear.” Listen to the rest online:
I’d like to begin by saying to many of you, “Happy Father’s Day!” To those of you celebrating today, we celebrate with you! However, I realize, this is not a happy day for everyone. If this is the case for you I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge that. As Laurie shared this morning to open our worship service, some of us have fathers that we celebrate on this day. Some of us have a story that makes this a day of difficult emotions and less celebration. But whatever the story of our father and/or father figures here on earth we have a heavenly Father most worthy of celebration. Blessings to you on this Father’s Day as you travel through your story, whatever that contains for you, and know you have a God who rejoices and mourns with us in all that we experience, so much so that Jesus came and walked on the earth and both laughed and cried with everyday people. Whatever they may be, may I suggest you invite God into your Father’s Day experiences today? He is already right there beside you, and capable of being with you in any emotions you are carrying. #celebration #joy #family #together #apart #brokenness #brokenfamilies #loneliness #grief #loss #fathertothefatherless #defenderofwidows #restoration #hope #fathersday #fathersday2018 #ebcmorris #emmanuelbaptistchurch #morrismb
Blessings Krista as you leave this week to serve with One Eleven Global! We are very excited for you and we will be praying for you and your team as you learn and teach! @kristaedel1 #oneelevenglobal #malachi111 #emmanuelbaptistchurch #ebcmorris #sundaymorningatebc #sundaymorningworship
This Sunday! Join us during our worship service as we celebrate our graduates Kelsey and Jordan. . Pre-Service Prayer - 8:45 a.m. LODGE SERVICE — 9:10 a.m. Worship Service - 9:45 a.m. Speaker: Pastor Nate “The Poor in Spirit” . . . . . #congratulations #congratulationsgraduates #grad2018 #ebcmorris #emmanuelbaptistchurch #thissundayatebc #morrismb #comingupatebc #summersermonseries2018 #beattitudes #ebcsummersermonseries2018
If you or someone you know could use help paying to attend a Christian camp this summer, please contact Emmanuel Baptist Church (you can send us a pm or use the contact info on our church Facebook page) or contact Donna Edel. We’d love to help you out!
Heaven and hell. We tend to think of them as future things but this morning I am reminded of just how present and real those concepts really are. I have a love-hate relationship with the dentist. I do not enjoy my visits to the dentist, but as a sufferer of chronic migraines, my unique migraine trigger formula dictates that every tiny little problem with oral health (including forgetting to brush my teeth) triggers a migraine. So without my regular dentist visits, I would be in a lot of pain. My life would be a living hell. And I don’t use that word flippantly. Migraines are a bit of hell here on earth, a bit of the Suffering and Death that Jesus came to conquer, things that will be fully conquered on that day when the Kingdom comes in its fullness. And my dentist and hygienist are a piece of Heaven on earth, part of the work God is doing now to bring fullness and health in anticipation of that Coming Day. God is at work in a lot of different ways. There is bad stuff in the world, but God is at work too. And he will win. Where have you seen bits of Heaven lately? #heavenonearth #oralhygiene #morrisdentalcentre #migraineprevention #ebcmorris #emmanuelbaptistchurch #morrismb @ Morris Dental Centre
Randy Jaspers’ sermon from Sunday is available to listen to on our website!
Guest Speaker Regional Minister Randy Jaspers, “Going Fishing?” @nabconference #sundaymorning #northernplainsregion #manitobabaptistassociation #emmanuelbaptistchurch #ebcmorris #morrismb
THIS SUNDAY, June 10 8:45 a.m. - Pre-Service Prayer 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service Guest Speaker - Randy Jaspers “Going Fishing?” 11:00 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages This is the last week of Sunday school before summer break. The preschool to grade 4 class has their end-of-the-year celebration and Listening Coin Store (scroll through the pictures for a sneak peek at a few of the items!) #celebrate #thissundayatebc #emmanuelbaptistchurch #ebcmorris #morrismb #ebcupdates @ Morris, Manitoba
Sometimes life’s not pretty. We’re getting new flooring in the bathrooms at church. And the process is not a pleasant one. It involves taking toilets out. It involves yucky smells. It involves detours to use different bathrooms. But is the mess going to be worth it? Yes. Renovations are worth it. If we never renovated we’d just live in the same old stuff forever. Life with God is like that. It’s not easy. It’s not always pretty. But it’s definitely worth it. God’s “renovations” are an exciting thing to participate in! Revelation 21:5a : “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’” #thoughtfulthursday #emmanuelbaptistchurch #ebcmorris