Offer services of sex therapy for couples and individuals looking for help on relationship ans sexual issues.
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INFOLETTRE Sensualité & Érotisme: Communication et séduction
Infolettre: Communication et séduction
Complètement hallucinant
INFOLETTRE Sensualité & Érotisme: Couple et communication
Infolettre Éducation sensuelle & érotique: Communication et Couple
The sexologist: Sexual Performance Will Destroy Your Sexual Satisfaction
What if we changed the sexual paradigm of having the most orgasms possible to obtaining the most sexual pleasure. We would already be making sex better. A lot of people confuse the two as one and the same. That orgasm equals pleasure and vice versa.
The sexologist: Getting Beyond Communication Issues
When we fight with our partner we are naturally threatened on two fronts. Losing ourselves or losing each other. This dilemma is what perpetuates people to argue for days on end because they cannot tolerate either of those two options.
The sexologist: Pretending to Have Communication Issues
Most people pretend they don't have mind-mapping abilities because it allows us to get what we want and be less vulnerable in our relationships. It also permits to argue about "nonexistent communication issues" rather than the real problems in the relationship, therefore avoiding break-ups. Mind-mapping also plays a crucial role in sex and how we go about having it with our spouse.
Traiter les gens également. Cela semble si simple pourtant
Treat people equally. Sounds simple
Matthew Richardson Circus Arts
Why does love between two men, or two women make so many people uncomfortable, or angry... even violent. The inspiration for this project began over a year ago. Francis and I were training to create something together, and I was constantly telling myself, "No we can't do that move, it's too intimate. It's too gay. We're too close. People are going to be uncomfortable seeing that." And at some point I said, No. Enough. Why can't we tell our story, exactly how it is? Or just be who we are. Why can't we show that we genuinely love each other and have a beautiful story together. Why do I constantly have to change my nature for the comfort of the masses? Enough. I'm ready to show something REAL... By chance, we filmed the day immediately after the horrific events in Orlando. Suddenly this creation meant more. This was such a huge blow on our community, we all felt it, and I knew when we filmed that I would credit the project in their memory. THANK YOU, thank you everyone. For sharing, for standing with us, and helping us spread the message that all love is equal :) #thearrowvideo #onelove #onepulse MUSIC - "Arrow" by The Irrepressibles DIRECTOR - Damian Siqueiros Photographer CREATION + CONCEPT - Matthew Richardson Circus Arts EDITOR + ASSISSTANT DIRECTOR - Liliana Ortiz Casas - Loc and Mac DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY - Mateo Hernandez Casis - Loc and Mac CAMERAMAN + GAFFER - Camilo Chitiva Zamudio SECOND CAMERA - Guillermo Castellanos
Infolettre Sensualité & Érotisme Mai
Infolettre JUIN Éducation sensuelle & érotique
Sexologist & psychotherapist Francois Renaud's cover photo