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Mitchell Veterinary Services/Pauly Veterinary Clinic

243 Ontario Road, Mitchell, Canada



Mitchell Veterinary Services was established in 1984. In 1990 Pauly Veterinary Clinic in Milverton was purchased. The practice has grown from a one veterinarian practice to a multi veterinarian business with veterinarians specializing in companion animal, bovine and porcine. Coventry Animal Hospital is our third clinic.  It is located in Stratford and specializes in companion animal. We offer up-to-date service in our friendly, welcoming clinics.

We strongly believe in the benefits of quality preventative health. All staff members  participate regularly in continuing education  keeping         current on the latest  technologies for our patients.


Here is some information about Canine Influenza. If you suspect your dog may have influenza call your veterinarian.

Have you done our challenge yet? Stop by the clinic to get your free toothbrush and pet toothpaste sample, then share on our page a pic or video of you and your pet doing the challenge! Here is the link to the teeth brushing challenge.

Co-op Students at Mitchell Veterinary Services Here at Mitchell Veterinary Hospital, we have had the privilege of offering community services to the high school students of Perth and Huron County. Co-operative educational programs are an excellent way to provide knowledge to our youths before deciding on their future career. Hundreds of keen students have experienced the life in veterinary medicine, and some students have continued in the veterinary field. Here is an example of what one of our co-operative students said about her experience at Mitchell Veterinary Services. "I had the opportunity to have a semester long co-op at Mitchell Veterinary Services. In the last few months, I have witnessed surgeries, regular appointments, and several large animal calls. I learned a lot about the practice of veterinary medicine such as how blood is taken, seeing an animal ultrasound, and what happens at a regular herd health. It was always interesting hearing each case and how it was handled. It has been an amazing experience and has greatly influenced my choices in schooling. Although I learned a lot, there is still so much more to learn. Each and every day was filled to the brim with information and hands on work and they have all been different and offered new things to do." It’s always a pleasure to see students being interested in Mitchell Veterinary Services. We welcome all students that are interested in the veterinary field. This is a great way to start developing your future. You never know, someday we may see you back as part of our Veterinary Team.

More Puppies! Aren't they adorable...😊🐾💗

This is 18 month old Chloe having her teeth brushed for the first time. With some practice this will become a routine. We challenge you to try brushing your pets teeth too! Stop by our clinic to get your free toothbrush and pet toothpaste (Do Not use human toothpaste) while supplies last. Share a picture or video of your pet having its teeth brushed.

It's been puppy week here at Mitchell Veterinary Services 😊 We would like to also welcome 8 week old Freddie. He came in not feeling so well. He spent some time with our veterinary team and with some TLC is feeling much better and is ready to run and play!

Meet Mickey. Sitting so good and looking so cute!

A puppy cuddle always makes our day!

Here is training video #4 with Dr. Justine and Vesper. We hope you enjoyed these short videos and you will share your progress with us! Keep up the good work. Happy training 👍

Training video #3 with Dr. Justine and Vesper. If you have watched video 1 & 2 and are working on training your dog share a picture or video of your progress so far!

Here is training video #2 with Dr. Justine and Vesper. Happy training!
