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wooden hill

2351 Royal Windsor Dr. Suite 205, Mississauga, Canada
Consulting/business services



We are a new wave of thinkers. We challenge the traditional and elevate brands by doing what is right, not what is expected. Based on a belief that companies today need a more comprehensive solution to their marketing problems, we’ve combined the best practices throughout the communications field.

We are as creative as any award winning ad agency. We are as nimble as a start up web developer. We understand consumers like the best marketers. And we develop bold strategies like the best strategic consultancies.

When a client approaches us with a problem, we don’t address it with a traditional TV or print campaign because that’s what we’re comfortable doing. We analyze the problem from all angles and find the best possible way of solving it.

Sometimes the result is mass advertising. Sometimes it involves forming strong sales partnerships. Sometimes it requires a complete strategic overhaul. But in every case, our focus is driving genuine growth and results that are a step above.


wooden hill

Here's our latest campaign for the American Marketing Association Marketing Hall of Legends Gala.


NEAR wooden hill