Promise of Life Church
Ministering the strength of the Word in the power of the Spirit. Discipling this generation with our voice and His Promise of Life. We are a born again, Spirit filled, Bible believing, family based, ethnically diverse, Word & Spirit church!
Pastors Craig and Jennifer Field founded Promise of Life Church in October 2008. For three months, they gathered once a week in their Brampton home with just a handful of people to birth the church in prayer. Having outgrown their living room, in January 2009 the fledgling church of 30 people moved to a congregation member’s basement in Mississauga, where they began to conduct weekly services on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. In March 2010, Promise of Life moved into their current location at 140 Capital Court in Mississauga and launched into the community as a fully functional church. They now meet every Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday, and have done extensive renovations on the building to accommodate their needs as a growing church.
At Promise of Life Church, Pastors Craig and Jennifer Field minister the revelation of God’s Word as the Holy Spirit demonstrates God’s mighty power (1 Corinthians 2:4). Furthermore, they desire to make disciples, encompassing all ages and every race (Matthew 28:19), so God’s people will grow up in all matters in Christ and are able to believe and receive the promises found within His Word (Ephesians 4:13,15).
Pastors Craig and Jennifer have joyfully accepted God’s mandate for them to pastor in Mississauga, Ontario, and they endeavour to do all that is in the mind of God for the ministry, which includes but is not limited to: Canadian church planting; international missions; foreign church/orphanage/well water building projects; and healing crusades.
Service Times
Sunday - 10:00am
Wednesday - 7:30pm
Saturday - 7:30pm
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facebook.comFebruary 2016 Sunday Services by Promise of Life Church
We have a treat for us today! Pastor Michael Lokietek of Family Church Fredonia will be ministering in our regular Sunday service today! Tune in live right here
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"Praying in the Holy Ghost is the doorway into the supernatural." ~ Rev. Greg Morrison
Every Day Ministries Canada
This week, Pastors Craig & Jennifer Field, their sons, and a team from POLC travelled to Nagua, Dominican Republic to minister God's love and compassion to a family in need. Thank you POLC family for your donations and your prayers! This trip has been a success!
January 2016 Sunday Services by Promise of Life Church
Rev. Greg Morrison is ministering on "The Manifestation of the Sons of God" right now! Tune in at
The Believer's Authority Podcast - Episode 16
Tune in to our radio broadcast from January 15 on JOY 1250 right here!
Pastors Noel and Rubi Ramos 2016 by Promise of Life Church
Pastor Noel Ramos is live RIGHT NOW! Tune in at
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Make sure you tune in to our radio broadcast "The Believer's Authority" airing on JOY 1250 TODAY! Pastor Craig has a message that you need to hear!
Timeline Photos
We are so excited to announce that Pastors Noel & Rubi Ramos of World Harvest Church of San Diego will be with us this weekend! You do not want to miss the services we will have with this man and woman of God! Service Times: Saturday, January 16 @ 7:00pm Sunday, January 17 @ 10:00am & 7:00pm There will be childcare provided for the Sunday services ONLY.