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Milverton Lions Club

24 Temperance St, Milverton, Canada
Community Organization



To be a leader in community and humanitarian service in many forms. Lions are more than 1.35 million strong … men and women … young and old.

You will find us in over 206 countries from the hinterlands of Australia and Brazil to thriving urban centres such as Milan and New York City, and in small, rural communities like Milverton.

Lions members vary in language, nature and customs all over the world, but we share a common and profound spirit.

Since our beginning in 1917, we have been united by a single cause: helping those less fortunate than ourselves.

We are tackling tough problems such as blindness, diabetes awareness, drug abuse, and finding help and training for the deaf, disabled, underprivileged and the elderly that need help.

In fact, whatever a community needs to make life better, we're there to help!

We are the youngest major social service organization, yet we have grown to become the world's largest.  We are succeeding because we have embraced all those people committed to building a brighter future for the world and for themselves.

And, with a new generation of enlightened members, Lions Clubs are working smarter and faster and with greater commitment than before.



Stratford Bingo Country

Stratford Bingo Country

Photos from Milverton Lions Club's post

Lions Pete, Jim S., Bud, Richard, &Doug, under Rolf’s supervision, were busy last week installing the permanent TOL benefactors sign at Knollcrest & the Lions Little Library at the Lions gazebo (which I hear has been very popular). Special thank you to Hailee Phelan and her friend Kylie for painting the library!

Photos from Milverton Lions Club's post

Wonderful addition to the community thanks again to the Milverton Lions Club.

Wonderful addition to the community thanks again to the Milverton Lions Club.

Stratford Bingo Country

Lions Rolf and Gary awarded 40-year Service Pins by Lion Chief Mark.

Lions Rolf and Gary awarded 40-year Service Pins by Lion Chief Mark.

AEDs donated to Perth East businesses in memory of locals who died in the line of duty

Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides

Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides

Thinking about helping your community. Come out to our membership night and find out what Lions is all about.

Thinking about helping your community.  Come out to our membership night and find out what Lions is all about.

Stratford Bingo Country

Santa and his helpers. Well done by all on the parade and the after event!

Santa and his helpers.  Well done by all on the parade and the after event!

We are ready for the tree lighting. See on Friday night.

We are ready for the tree lighting.  See on Friday night.
