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Your BeLoved Birth

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Doula in training, proud wife & mommy. Believer in supporting & honouring moms & babes during their unique birth experience. Instagram @yourbirthdoulas


5 Things Your L&D Nurse Wishes You Knew

Expecting a new baby in your life? This article is a must read with amazing bits of information and advice 💖

7 Fears Pregnant Women Have—but Shouldn’t

Pregnancy can be an equally exciting and terrifying experience. Check out these common fears and reasons why they shouldn't worry you any longer.

Dr Brene Brown Reads Her Parenting Manifesto to Oprah

Does your family have it's very own manifesto? If not, see the video for why it's important and to hear Brene Brown's beautiful wholehearted family manifesto <3

Oakville Hospital Prenatal Tour

If you are having a baby and plan to deliver at the new (and beautiful) Oakville hospital take a few minutes to check out this great video hospital tour. I love the amenities available for comfort measures for mom and sleeping option for her partner as well as the promotion of direct skin to skin and breast feeding after birth - great job Halton Healthcare!

Take it Off: Why You Should Drop Your Newborn's Hat - Modern Alternative Pregnancy

To hat or not to hat your newbie baby...not to hat! Putting a cutesie cap on your newborn is stuck so deep in our culture it's almost instinctual for new parents but research shows this practice is outdated and could interfere with the natural bonding that occurs in the hours and days after birth. This is a quick and essential read for any mom's to be!

Anxious About Childbirth? These 10 Things Can Help | BellyBelly

As your pregnancy nears its end it is natural to have a surge of new emotions: excitement about finally meeting your baby, nervousness about how life will change and not knowing what to expect and anxiety about labour and birth. Below is a great read on how to help put your mind at ease by practicing some useful strategies. Always remember you are capable than more than you know 💖

The New Psychiatry: Forget Everything You Think You Know About Mental Health

This is absoluetly fascinating! My mind has been blown with all the information I have been finding and reading about gut health and its influences in our full body and mind wellness. I remenber experiencing terrifying hormone shifts post-partum and had thyroid levels that were off the charts. Looking back I believe so much of it was due to my gut health. Even today reading this article I can recognize different signs and symptoms that I believe I can attribute to inflammation and gut health. We have such a great opportunity through our everyday choices to dramatically change the quality of our health and life.

What we learn before we're born

Check out this video on when our babies begin to learn! There are so many great ways that we can utilize this capacity for while in in the womb to help with the transition earthside. annie_murphy_paul_what_we_learn_before_we_re_born#t-197981

A Vow to ‘Soften’ So Your Loved Ones Can Shine

As we are entering a new year we all may be considering, or already have some goals in mind. With so much going on we often forget to be gentle with ourselves, especially when we set our 'resolutions' only to watch them slowly become dismantled by the everyday grind. Being committed to change how things have been and begin something new is challenging and takes attention and focus. If there is one thing that can dramatically change your life it is to be present in the here and now. There are many ways to practice this and allowing yourself to soften for yourself and for others is a great way to start.

7 Amazing Pregnant Mamas Dancing Their Babies Out | BellyBelly

Happy 2016! What a great read to start off the new year! I love articles like these that share messages that are contrary to what the 'popular belief' of labour is. Do most women think of 'dancing their baby out' when considering their birth wishes, not likely, is it possible to have an enjoyable labour and birthing experience, absolutely! A remessaging about labour and birth needs to happen in our culture, one that is constructed not of fear and required interventions but rather maternal empowerment and capability. Labour and birth is not only one of the most vulnerable moments in a woman's life but also a moment of great strength and love - enjoy! 💖💖


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