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High Wyck Farms

316717 3rd Line D, Meaford, Canada
Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness



High Wyck Farms offers boarding and training/coaching services by FEI competitor, Olivia Wentworth-Stanley who is certified by Equine Canada and a Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalist as well as two time Dressage Canada 8 Award Winner.  


Horse Tribute

Wondering if this will be Eddie in 4-5 years! So cute!

Equitation Science International - ESI

It's the weekend! Time for some great reading! If you get nothing more out of this article than to replace patting your horse with wither scratching, you will have improved your training and your bond with your horse! :-)

Equine Matrix

One of the important reasons why we use and sell Equine Matrix products as well as their Om Mushrooms and Pet products!

Equine Matrix

North Berwick Ponies

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!

North Berwick Ponies

Timeline Photos

The wind and snow overnight certainly meant lots of snow clearing work this morning! This had better be the end of it! 😳

Timeline Photos

US Equestrian

Laura and Diddy's amazing freestyle at the World Cup Final in Omaha on Saturday! Love Debbie's and Robert's reactions....and their riding of every step! :-)

Timeline Photos

This weather has taken us a little by surprise!! No winter clothes for Eddie!!! He'll grow into it! 😂😂😂😂

Timeline Photos


Even horses need friends!!! Make sure that if your horses don't have group turnout that they can at least "play" over the fence and hang out beside each other. :-)

Timeline Photos

Tess is honoured and excited to announce the arrival of Olivia and Andy's wee boy, Edward James Ormsby, on Wednesday, March 22, in Collingwood. It wasn't quite the experience they had anticipated, but they are all doing well now and looking forward to being home soon. Many thanks to everyone for their support and many kindnesses over the last 9 months. It truly was appreciated! Let the new chapter at High Wyck Farms begin! :-) xo

Timeline Photos

BBC Look East

It's almost Spring and more foals are arriving! This time, 2!! This is a rare occurrence in horses and often one or both of the foals don't survive, but these ones are doing very well!! Congratulations, Rose!

Mount St John

It's getting to be that time of year! A beautiful little filly by Ferro...ZeeZee's grandsire! Mount St. John is producing some wonderful horses!

Veterinary Medicine - Videos

A nice animation of your horse's digestive system! Do you know where different feeds get digested?


NEAR High Wyck Farms