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Allison Family Maple

636248 Euphrasia-Holland Townline, Markdale, Canada
Farmers Market



Allison Family Maple is a labour of love for the two operators Jon and Melissa Allison with immense help from Jon's father, Jim. Together they run a small sugar bush operation south of Owen Sound, Ontario making maple syrup. Our tale begins with Jon Allison, who was born and grew up in the Owen Sound area. As a young boy he had an early taste of the world of maple syrup and its production through his father, Jim. During the early 1980's Jim sat on the board of directors of the Maple Syrup Producers Association of Ontario as well as running a maple syrup operation with a friend.
Life and work took Jon away from the area he grew up in and loved but he always dreamed of one day returning and buying his own maple bush to settle down and make maple syrup.
In 2009 he met his future wife, Melissa. She had grown up in Courtice, Ontario, a suburbia on the outskirts of the GTA but unlike Jon she had never ventured far from where she had grown up. Once Jon introduced her to the beauty of the Grey-Bruce area, however, she knew it was where she wanted to call home.
In the summer of 2010 they found their little piece of 19 acre heaven in the outskirts of Walters Falls and so began their maple syrup making adventures.


Looking at the forecast for the next few days it's looking like this may sadly be our last day of boiling for the 2017 season. Hoping it's a good one!

Cooking down at the shack!

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Happy Sunday!

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Gooooood morning!

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2017 Season

Hopefully this sudden cold weather will get the sap flowing again. Nothing has run the last few days but there also isn't much bud growth on the trees so there is hope that we have a bit more sap yet to come.

2017 Season

Tonight's haul is about 60 litres of syrup and our last cook was 115 litres.

2017 Season

2017 Season

All fired up at the shack! As always, all are welcome to pop in for a visit. Couldn't ask for a nicer day for one!

It's been a quiet number of days with not much happening in terms of sap run due to the drop in temperature and cloudy days. Yesterday we did get a bit of a good run but while we were away the vacuum pump cut out and we have no idea how long it was like that before we got down to the shack and got it going again so it's hard to say how much we may have missed out on. We ran the RO last night to make room for today's sap run and hopefully it will be a good one so that we will have enough to fire up the evaporator later this afternoon.

It's looking to be a good sap day as it's coming in as fast as we can RO it. We're currently down at the shack boiling away so come on out for a tour!

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It's looking like we have some decent weather for good sap flow coming up. Tomorrow will likely be a collection day with our next expected boiling day being sometime Wednesday.

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Just winding down from a morning and afternoon of cooking. We managed to get about 120 litres of syrup today.
