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Manitouwadge Volunteer Fire Department

1 Mississauga Drive, Manitouwadge, Canada



The Fire Department provides service to the township of Manitouwadge with one full time Fire Chief and 20 volunteers. The Manitouwadge Volunteer Fire Department is responsible for the surrounding are of Manitouwadge. This area includes Highway 614, the Industrial Road to Caramat, and Camp 70 as far as Hillsport. Our department is currently comprised of one full time fire Chief, and 20 volunteers.


Emergency and Standard First Aid with CPRC & AED Training The Manitouwadge Fire Department provides Emergency and Standard First Aid with CPRC & AED Training. If you are looking for individual, group or business training contact us for details. Next Course Date: Summer 2017 At this time there is no planned First Aid Courses. If you are interested in taking first aid, please contact Jen to discuss the options. A waiting list is being kept, once we see an interest we will set a date. All levels of CPR available! To register or if you have any questions contact: Jen Curtis, Administrative Assistant Manitouwadge Fire Department Phone: (807) 826-3227 ext 243 Email:

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** Time to change the clocks, time to change the batteries! ** The Manitouwadge Volunteer firefighters would like to remind everyone to test and change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms this weekend when you change your clocks.

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** News Release - OFM ** Please review the following news release about the fatal fire that occured in Brampton this month. We are reminding residents about the importance of having working smoke and CO alarms within their homes. You may only have seconds to exit your home in the event of a fire, and a working alarm may save your life.

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*** Frosty Days Safety *** The Manitouwadge Volunteer Fire Department would like to remind everyone to have a fun and safe long weekend. Enjoy the extra activities available around town, or when completing your own family activities. Please remember to watch out for children and pedestrians while travelling around town. As well take a look at our Winter Safety Bulletin for winter activity safety tips.

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Ice Safety *** We are asking residents to take extra precautions this week with the warmer weather when it comes to winter activities on the lakes. Please remember to take caution when starting out onto the lake, check ice thickness if staying on the lake, only travel on/over ice (lakes) you know well, and take caution with slush on lakes as well.

Photos from Manitouwadge Volunteer Fire Department's post

** Winter Ice Safety ** Now that the ice fishing season is in full swing the Manitouwadge Volunteer Fire Department would like to remind everyone as the season continues to check for proper ice thickness. Check out our winter safety bulletin for some winter safety tips to make your outdoor activities enjoyable and safe. Have a fun winter outdoors!

Photos from Manitouwadge Volunteer Fire Department's post

Plan Your Escape | Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

** Home Escape Planning ** The Manitouwadge Volunteer Fire Department is urging residents in the wake of three deadly house fires this month in Ontario to know what to do should something happen in your home. Having a home fire escape plan and practicing it could save your life. You could only have seconds upon discovering a fire in your home to safely get yourself and your family out. Take this opportunity to make a plan, practice it and ensure it is posted in a significant place so everyone will remember it. Please use the following link for more Home Escape Plan resources and suggestions on how to create one for your home.

NFPA - Put A Freeze on Winter Fires

** Winter Safety ** The Manitouwadge Volunteer Fire Department would like to remind residents as it gets colder outside of these simple winter fire safety tips.

Kidde Recalls Talking Combination Smoke and CO Alarms - Recalls & alerts - Healthy Canadians Website

** Smoke Alarm Recall ** The Manitouwadge Volunteer Firefighters would like to make people aware of a recent smoke alarm recall. Please pass along, help us get the word out. Thank you

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** Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week ** How to prevent the build-up of carbon monoxide in your home: Ensure fuel-burning appliances, chimneys and vents are cleaned and inspected by professionals every year before cold weather sets in. Visit to find a registered contractor near you. Ensure vents for the dryer, furnace, stove, fireplace and other fuel-burning appliances should always be clear of snow and other debris. Gas and charcoal barbeques should only be used outside, away from all doors, windows, vents, and other building openings. Never use barbeques inside garages, even if the garage doors are open. Portable fuel-burning generators should only be used outdoors in well-ventilated areas away from windows, doors, vents and other building openings. Ensure all portable fuel-burning heaters are vented properly, according to manufacturer’s instructions. Never use the stove or oven to heat your home. Open the flu before using a fireplace for adequate ventilation. Never run a vehicle or other fueled engine or motor inside a garage, even if the garage doors are open. Always remove a vehicle from the garage immediately after starting it.

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** Daylight Savings Time ** The Manitouwadge Volunteer Firefighters would like to remind you to change your clocks back this weekend. As well it's good practice to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms as well. Have a safe weekend!

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** Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week ** Did you know about the new legislation about where your CO alarms should be placed in your home, and why? Carbon monoxide alarm installation requirements: • Fuel-burning appliances include furnaces, hot water heaters, gas or wood fireplaces, portable fuel-burning heaters and generators, barbeques, stoves and vehicles. • If your home has a fuel-burning appliance, a fireplace or an attached garage, install a carbon monoxide alarm adjacent to each sleeping area. • If you live in an apartment or condo building: • If there is a fuel-burning appliance in your condo/apartment, install a carbon monoxide alarm adjacent to each sleeping area. • If your building has a service room, carbon monoxide alarms must be installed in the service room and adjacent to each sleeping area of all condos/apartments above, below and beside the service room. • If your building has a garage, carbon monoxide alarms must be installed adjacent to each sleeping area of all condos/apartments above, below and beside the garage. • For added protection, install a carbon monoxide alarm on every storey of the home according to manufacturer’s instructions In general, “adjacent to each sleeping area” means the hallway serving or area outside the sleeping area. For instance, a CO alarm must be installed in the hallway adjacent to multiple bedrooms in a house or apartment. However, there may be situations where “adjacent to each sleeping area” refers to the area around the bed, within the bedroom or sleeping area itself. Compliance with the legislation will be phased-in: • Homeowners and property owners/tenants in buildings that contain no more than 6 suites must comply as of April 15, 2015. • Residential occupancy owners of buildings with more than 6 suites have 12 months to comply (October 15, 2015). • CO alarms that have already been installed must be maintained in accordance with the Fire Code effective October 15, 2014. Reference: Ontario Fire Marshals & Emergency Management Office
