Snac Shac is a Locally Owned Convenience Store offering a wide variety of items such as Dutchman Dairy,Babas Perogys,Movie rentals, cigarettes, drinks etc!
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Get your Snac Shac Gift Cards!! Great for Birthday's, Xmas Stockings, Easter Baskets, etc. Load one up for your kids for the summer and leave it at the Snac Shac for easy access and ALWAYS have 💵 for that summer treat! Available in ANY denomination! Spend and reload👍🏻 no minimums!
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Another happy Mom getting her FREE ice cream cone at the Snac Shac!! Happy Mothers Day Leanne! Hope your day was FANTASTIC❤️
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Meg is one Happy Mother who's boys brought her into the Snac Shac for her FREE Mothers Day ice cream cone!! Hope your day is special!! ENJOY❤️
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PLEASE SHARE THIS POST for all the MOMS to see: Attention ALL MOTHERS❤️❤️ come on into the Snac Shac and we'll show you how much we appreciate MOTHERS! 1 Free Small Ice Cream Cone for All MOTHERS on Mothers Day! We hope this makes your day❤️
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All MENTHOL Cigarettes BANNED in BC as of OCTOBER 2, 2017!
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Snac Shac is stocked with Ice!!! Brand New Freezer!! Filled to capacity for all your summer ice needs!! $2.85 per bag!!!
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Ye Olde Sandwich Shoppe is now making Sandwiches for the Snac Shac!! Available 7 days a Week! Pick one up for Lunch, and we'll toast it in the Oven for you! or throw one in your cooler along with locally made "Smokey Petes" Salmon tid-bits on your way out Atving or fishing!! PS .... you can get your ICE @$2.85 a bag too for your cooler😉
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It's EASTER weekend! Don't forget the Snac Shac has ICE $2.85 per bag!! (Cheapest in town!!) Eagle Valley Ice is great for your Family get togethers and for your 1st CAMPING trip of the season!! For all of my Friends going to Ellison this weekend😈
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Hoping Everyone has a Safe and Fun Spring Break
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We're all about the CANDY at the Snac Shac!!
Locally Made Smoked Salmon Chunks and Salmon Jerky!!!!! So Delicious!!! Take it on your Fishing , ATV, Sledding, Hiking or Camping Trip!!! Salmon Chunks $8.99 / Jerky $7.99