The Longlac Cross Country Ski Club trail system is located on the north side of Hwy 11. There are over 20 kilometres of groomed classic and skate skiing trails suitable for all ages and skill levels. There are several loops to choose from which provide a variety of trail lengths - short distance, perfect for before or after work, or long distance for those half or day-long adventures.
The clubhouse is open from 8 am-6 pm daily with washroom, kitchen facilities and lockers. There is even a wood burning stove to keep you warm.
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facebook.comDon't forget Tuesday May 2, 2017 tonight at 7 meeting at the chalet everyone welcome. See you there.
Thanks to all volunteers and members who helped at the spaghetti supper during Moosecalac weekend: Margaret Winn Dale Winn Pauline Baillargeon Raymond Baillargeon Gaetanne Lauzon Virginia Parise Michel Gagnon Jude Tulla Catherine Cloutier Julie Lauzon Claudette Onnis Angie Onnis Nathalie Laderoute Jenny Arseneault Monique Emms Louiselle Ouellet Jeannie Chantal Picard Guylaine Theberge Huguette Marchak Léa Clinchamps
Thanks to the Longlac Freshmart and No Frills in Geraldton for their generous donations to the ski club. With your help, our fundraising activities were very successful!
Timeline Photos
To night ski or to not night 🌃ski that is the question ❔
Timeline Photos
We survived the melt down, trail are still skiable.
Ski tan smile, all ages welcome on and off the trail, family friendly is what this place is all about
Photos from Longlac Cross Country Ski Club's post
Planning an afternoon activity! Look no further, try skiing rental available from the Longlac cross country ski club
Photos from Longlac Cross Country Ski Club's post
Awsome night skiing with friends during moosecalac weekend. A big thank you going to the volunteers who all helped in making this event possible.
Thanks to Mr Mikko Koivisto and Darren Tucker from the Burla Group for the Generous donation of fire wood to the Cross Country Ski Club. Your generosity will keep us and our chalet nice and warm! Thanks also to our wonderful volunteers for cutting and piling the wood: Pauline, Raymond, Sylvain, Mathieu and Michel Baillargeon; Stephane Garon; Margaret and Dale Winn; Jean-Paul Lauzon; Michel Gagnon; Nicolas, Claude Desgroseilliers and Léa Clinchamps. Good work everyone 👍
Meeting tomorrow, Feb 8th at 7 pm at the chalet. Last meeting before Moosecalac. Please be there to help organize activities and fundraisers. Thanks. Réunion au chalet demain, le 8 février, à 7 h, afin de finaliser les activités et collectes de fonds de la fin de semaine du Moosecalac. Merci.
Volunteers needed to pile wood tomorrow, Saturday February 4th at the Yvon Roy chalet! Please come and help if you can. Thanks Nous avons besoin de bénévoles pour corder du bois au chalet, samedi le 4 février. Venez prêter mains fortes si vous le pouvez. Merci
Thanks to Mr Steve Thuerig for his generous fuel donation to the Longlac Cross Country Ski Club. We are very lucky to have you amongst our supporters! Merci à M. Steve Thuerig pour son généreux don en essence à notre club. Merci pour votre appui!