Remedy Salon
Local Hair Salon specializing in colour. Owned and operated by Rhonda Weber with extensive experience creating stunning and customized hairstyles.
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Looking good Wanda! Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend with their families
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Diffusers have started arriving, different sizes for rooms large and small. Custom created bath salts and body oil blends will be ready very soon! Also, candles and soap from Backwoods!!! Oh! And some incredible tea! I'm so excited, great ways to spoil yourself or a gift for someone you care about!
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Versatility is a great feature in any haircut, this one can be worn so many ways
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Thanks Sarah, today was so fun! The multiple knots are just to hold the hair out of the way but will look great when tied up in one high knot
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So excited about bringing in Green Valley Aromatherapy! I will have a great selection of essential oils and vaporizers. Green Valley is an island company and has been around for 22 years. I should have the product on the shelves by next week.
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Come by for a sample of Redavid, a made in B.C. hair product that delivers awesome results