Drift Away Day Spa
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I'm so excited to be extending this BOGO for any friends and family that either already have oils and what to add to their collection, or for those individuals that are curious about the oils. Lavender is an amazing oil and not only supports sleeping, but is a natural antihistamine, soothes skin irritations, cleanse cuts and help heal bruising. For all my friends and family in the North, we all know how miserable the bugs are! Terrashield works amazing to repel and keep bugs away without the chemicals that other repellents have. It's gentle and smells like cookies!!!! :) Shipping is Free locally and a flat fee of $5.00 outside of my local area. Comment below to get added, offer ends at 9:00 pm :)
I just commented, on a post that was shared on Facebook regarding essential oils and burning the skin, while using a tanning bed. This is very scary and it's always important as consumers, to be educated and aware of ANY product you are using. There are oils that are considered to be photosensitizes and are sensitive to UV rays. You need to read the instructions before applying and going into the sun/sun tan beds. I always ensure that my members are aware of these facts when working with the oils. Education and understanding how the oils work is so important. My thought process, would be the same when filling out a perception or purchasing products from the drugstore. Educate :)
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How are those drugstore medications working for you? So many people sick with flus and colds, for weeks on weeks!!! Why not considered a product that naturally and safely boost your immune system and protects your body!!! I know first had the success of On Guard essential oil and these great little soft gels tablets :) Let me know if you are tired of putting those expensive drugstore medications into your body.
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Looking for something to do this Saturday? Come down to the Seniors Centre for our Spring Bazaar :) I will have a table showcasing doTerra essential oils. Prizes, Samples and much more!!
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Need relief from seasonal allergies? doTerra has created these amazing soft gels that contain Peppermint,Lavender and Lemon. This combination provides relief from allergy symptoms, that makes it miserable for many people to enjoy the outdoors!!
Drift Away Day Spa
Don't forget to come down to the Seniors Centre to learn how oils can effect your emotions <3
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Learn how essential oils can benefit mind, body and soul.
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Join me on Tuesday evening at the 50plus Seniors Centre, to learn how essential oils can benefit everyone in your family.
The BOGO specials, are starting to come in :) Once I have everyone's orders, I will contact you with pick up, drop off or shipping!!!
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Please join me for free weekly essential oils classes. I will hosting a second introduction to oils this coming Tuesday, Mar 7th - 7:00pm at the Cowichan Seniors Centre. If you have questions, prior to the class you can contact me at 250-709-6709.
InTune Focus Blend Uses and Benefits | doTERRA Essential Oils
With so many things competing for attention, staying focused on just one can sometimes be a challenge. The InTune essential oil blend is a proprietary blend of essential oils that work together to create an aid for moments of distraction. This blend can be applied topically to enhance and sustain a sense of focus. Enriched with select essential oils, InTune contains Frankincense, Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Lime essential oils to assist with clarity and focus as well as Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, and Roman Chamomile to help calm and soothe. This blend is a perfect study companion and can support the efforts of those who have difficulty paying attention and staying on task.