Welcome to Room 17!
We will share our learning and information about upcoming school events with families!
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We hope all families can join us next week!
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Today Mr Manos came to visit. He played board games with some of the students. Board games provide an opportunity for children to practice so many important skills - communication, patience, turn taking, mathematics. Over the summer, find time to play board games together! Garage Sales and Value Village always have inexpensive games to add to your collection!
Photos from Howard Robertson Kindergarten's post
Such a beautiful afternoon at Huron Nature Area! Thank you to our amazing volunteers and staff at Huron!❤️
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Mr V helped some students to build a bamboo tower as tall as him!
We are beginning to play with the Masterpiece app by Osmo. Students can sketch based on a photograph watching and matching their pen to the lines on the iPad.
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We are building numbers and learning about the lines and curves.
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We are mixing and creating our own colours. This one is called Flamingo Pink!
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Happy Valentines Day Room 17!💕❤️
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Ms Emrich and Ms Pickard were so excited to present and share about your incredible learning in Ottawa today! We missed you guys and hope you have an awesome Family Day Weekend!❤️
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It was so great to have Baby Vince come to visit. We measured him using cubes and a measuring tape!
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We are creating our own Bingo cards using sight words from books we have read!