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Ali Mullin, Miss Rodeo Canada 2017 is an addition to the Killarney Rippin & Roarin Bull Riding Event tomorrow. This local Cartwright gal started her interest in horse business and a rodeo career showing home raised Clay Ranch Quarter Horses. Main Doors and Canteen open at 5:30 pm - Bull Riding starts at 7 pm - tickets available at Lewis & Jones. Join Ali and the rest of the fun tomorrow night - Shamrock Centre!
Looking for four students interested in working the arena floor for the Bull Riding event tomorrow. The job entails selling hot food items (hamburgers, hot dogs), confectionary items (chips, chocolate bars) and handling money. If interested, contact the Recreation Office. Paid position if no school volunteer hours required. Thank you,
Good morning, looking for two helpers in the canteen tomorrow evening for the Bull Riding event. Must be 14 years of age, have good mental math skills AND be able to count money. If you are a student and need gym hours, this works. The positions can be paid as well. Hours are 5:15-8:30 pm. Phone the Recreation Office at 204.523.8920 if you can help. Thanks,
ALCOA Manitoba
55+ Games June 13 - 15, 2017 Killarney Registration Deadline, Friday, May 12 Register online at (click on 55+ Games) Registration Forms available at Shamrock Centre for pick up as well. ALSO: VOLUNTEERS WANTED For more information on the games or volunteering contact the Recreation Office at 204.523.8920
Recreation Dance: Age 3-4 full / one spot open for age 5-7 / and seven spots open for age 8+. First class starts on Thursday, May 4 at Killarney School North Gym due to a facility conflict. Remaining classes at Shamrock Centre Hall. Please make an effort to pay registration fee prior to first class. Thanks, Recreation Dance A spring recreation youth program with classes in pre-ballet, jazz, and hip-hop. Bodysuit preferred for classes. Instructor: Charlene Hiscock Thursdays, May 4-June 1 ___ Combo Dance/Age 5-7/4:30-5:15/Max: 8/$30 An introduction to the basics of ballet and an introduction to the basic steps taught in a jazz class with fun, upbeat music. ___ Combo Dance/Ages 8+/5:15-6:15/ Max: 12/$35 A recreation dance class continuing the basics of ballet, jazz, and hip-hop.
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In conjunction with the Quilt Retreat this weekend at Shamrock Centre, two Quilt Artist Trunk Shows will be hosted each evening. Friday, April 28 - join Marlene Biles & Shiels McNish from Sipiweske Quilt Designs Saturday, April 29 - local quilt artist, Adelyn Nichol, will be opening her trunk showing her beautiful works. See you at Shamrock Centre, 7 pm, tea served, admission $5. (A trunk show refers to the latest works artists have produced and they will explain how the work was done.)
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Good morning, second class of Fit Five. Mark your calendar for Tuesday mornings, 9:15-10 am, at Shamrock Centre. $2 for a 45 minute exercise program. Pretty good bang for your independent, healthy living, quality exercise program that offers cardiovascular and muscular strength including balance. Exercise can be at a low level for learning and minimizing soreness and injury: intensity can be increased depending on the individual. By keeping muscles moving and staying physically active - most important things a person can do to maintain physical and mental health and to continue to live independently. Mark your Calendar: NEXT CLASS: TUESDAY, May 2, 9:15 am, Shamrock Centre.
Photos from Shamrock Centre's post
First soccer practice last night. The school grounds were busy with almost 70 players participating. The season is off to a great start!
A couple of classes starting this week: Kickboxing, Tuesday, April 19 at 7 pm. First class will be at the Killarney School due to a conflict in our facility. Dog Training will start it's spring class on Saturday, April 22 at 10:30 am. Contact the Rec Office to register for classes. Spring Leisure Guide can be found at
Good morning, a nice parent turnout for the Soccer meeting last night. The Rec Office will be accepting registrations (without late penalty) until noon on Thursday. At that point, I will be ordering t-shirts and jerseys for registrations to date. There are three soccer categories: Fun ($30), Competitive ($50), and Regional ($70). For parents who have registered their children in Competitive, I will be refunding $20 per registrant. Managers will contact players for Jamboree participation as the dates come up. Some questions have surfaced in regards to Regional soccer. Soccer players wanting to play in MSA sanctioned soccer tournaments should sign up as a Regional player. Aside from their home practices and play, Regional players will practice with other players from the Westman area (ie Boissevain, Deloraine) forming a Westman team. This Westman team will play in two tournaments determined by the team. A tournament registration fee is charged and each player must be sanctioned with MSA. In order to help offset these costs, a portion of the Regional registration fee will be used. A reminder of the Soccer Coaching Clinic on Sunday, April 23, 1:30-3:30. Please let the Rec Office know by the end of the day Thursday if you will be participating. This clinic is open to parents, coaches, etc for players ages 8+.
Rec Soccer Meeting tonight (Monday), Shamrock Centre, 6:30 pm. Will take registrations tonight.
Tomorrow (April13) is the last day for Soccer Registrations. Be sure to sign your child up on time so you don't incur a $20 late registration fee. Also a reminder that the Soccer General Meeting is Monday, April 17, 6:30pm at the Shamrock Centre.