Papa Franco's Restaurant
We offer traditional Canadian and Italian dishes, steaks, ribs and chicken, some seafood and fish, Artisan Italian pizza baked in our wood burning oven! Very well-known and established in Kapuskasing’s community, located on highway 11 west in between two motels. We serve breakfast, lunch and supper, opened from 6:00 am. to 9:00 pm. except for Sundays when we open at 7:00 am. and closed on Mondays
We offer traditional Canadian and Italian dishes, steaks, ribs and chicken, some seafood and fish, Artisan Italian pizza baked in our wood burning oven which you can enjoy while you are having wine, beer or spirits and end it all with a wide selection of desserts.
The service is quick and friendly, the food is excellent and is a great value.
Most of the food is prepared in house by our chef who has more than 20 years of experience, with the finest ingredients. Quality is never comprised to ensure the highest level of satisfaction.
We feature special events through the year such as fresh fish on weekends during spring and summer, hunter’s festival in the fall when wild game is served, taste the world with authentic dishes from various country in the winter, and more… just call us to find out what is being promoted.
Come and enjoy a great and tasteful experience with us!
Papa Franco’s Restaurant where you will always meet a friend!
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We would like to wish to all mothers "Happy Mother's Day" A toutes les mamans "Bonne Fête des Mères"
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Did you know that Icelandic Arctic Char is one of the healthiest fish to eat. It is farm raised in the pristine waters of Iceland. It is similar to salmon and trout and high in oil content. We will be featuring it this weekend along with Thai curried mussels & fries, and marinated grilled chicken breast potatoes and Greek salad with tzatziki. Saviez-vous que l'omble de l'arctique est excellent pour la santé. Ils proviennent des eaux pristines de l'Islande et sont semblables au saumon et à la truite et sont riches en huile. Nous vous les offrirons ce weekend avec comme autre choix un curry de moules à la Thai avec frite, ou la poitrine de poulet marinée avec patates rôties et salade grecque et tzatziki.
Photos from Papa Franco's Restaurant's post
This weekend "Tour the World with food" brings you "Table d'Hôte from India" with Coconut & Saffron Shrimp Curry, Seared Lamb in a mint & cilantro Curry and Butter Chicken Garam Masala Curry. Ce weekend nous présenterons la table d'Hôte des Indes avec un Curry de crevettes au safran& noix de coco, un Curry d'agneau à la menthe & coriandre, et un Curry de poulet au beurre Garam Masala.
Photos from Papa Franco's Restaurant's post
Coming up April 21st, 22nd and 23rd, our last "Travel the world with food" this year, will feature India. Details will follow. Le 21, 22 et 23 avril, les Indes vous seront présentées lors de notre dernier événement "Autour du monde", pour cette année. Détails à suivre.
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Easter Sunday morning, we will feature eggs Benedict and for those with a healthy appetite, bacon and eggs with large farmer's sausage, delicious Canadian back bacon, breakfast potatoes and toasts. Dimanche matin de Pâques, nous offrirons des oeufs bénédicte et pour ceux avec plus d'appétit des oeufs et bacon accompagnés de saucisse campagnarde, de délicieux bacon de dos canadien, patates et toasts.
Photos from Papa Franco's Restaurant's post
Seafood Platter, Angel Hair and Scallops, Seafood Lasagna and Filet of Sole Parmagiana are featured this Easter weekend at dinner time. L'assiette de fruits de mer , Capellini et Pétoncles, Lasagne au fruits de mer et le filet de Sole Parmesan sont sont présentés ce weekend de Pâques. Bon Appétit!
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This Easter weekend we will be opened Good Friday as soon as power is restored around noon as indicated by Northern Wires, Saturday 6am. to 9pm. and Easter Sunday 7am. to 1:30pm. Happy Easter! Ce weekend de Pâques nous serons ouverts vendredi dès que le pouvoir sera rétabli, autour de midi au dire de Northern Wires, samedi de 6h. à 21h. et dimanche de 7h. à 13:30h. Joyeuse Pâques.
Photos from Papa Franco's Restaurant's post
Tour the World this weekend. From Germany Wiener Schnitzel, from Ireland classic corned beef, from Ukraine beef and rice Cabbage Rolls. Come experience Europe at dinner time.
Photos from Papa Franco's Restaurant's post
Tour the World with food. Germany, Ireland and Ukraine are featured this weekend.
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Tour the World This coming weekend April 7,8 & 9 traditional meals from Germany, Ireland and Ukraine will be featured. Details to follow. Ce weekend le 7,8,9 avril nous offrirons des repas traditionels de l'Allemagne, de l'Irlande et de l'Ukraine. Détais à suivre.
Photos from Papa Franco's Restaurant's post
Tour the World with Food! From the Orient, this weekend we will be featuring General Tao Chicken from China, Sushi from Japan and Korean BBQ Beef! Mouth watering meals! ( Napkins supplied ) Un voyage culinaire, l'Orient est en vedette. De la Chine le poulet General Tao, les Sushis du Japon et le Boeuf BBQ de la Corée! Des repas qui vous mettrons l'eau à la bouche! ( les serviettes sont fournies )
Photos from Papa Franco's Restaurant's post
"Tour the World with Food" This weekend, March 31st, April 1st and 2nd, China, Japan and Korea's cuisine will be featured. Ce weekend, le 31 mars, 1 et 2 avril, nous offrirons des spécialités culinaires de la Chine, du Japon et de la Corée.