If you're looking for the daily hours of the Tournament Capital Centre, visit:
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facebook.comCheck out this week's City Page, with news and information from across the organization!
The Spring/Summer Activity Guide is out! Check today's Kamloops This Week or view it online: #getmoving #active4life
We’re setting up right now at Hal Rogers to Talk Affordable Housing. If you live in #Aberdeen, #Pineview, #Dufferin, or Upper #Sahali, come join us to talk about Housing Affordability & Diversity, and Housing for Vulnerable Populations. 6:30-8:00 tonight.
Tonight we're meeting with residents of Aberdeen, Pineview Valley, Dufferin, and Upper Sahali. Join us at Hal Rogers Centre from 6:30-8:00 pm to share your vision for Affordable Housing in Kamloops.
Let’s Talk Kamloops! Join us now at Valleyview Secondary to share your vision for affordable housing in Kamloops!
We're glad that Spring is coming, but with that comes snow melt. Help out by keeping your catch basins clear, and report any issues you might have by calling 250-828-3461.
Starting Wed, March 7, crews will be in Riverside Park repairing the pier. Please use caution when in the area.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 from 6:30-8:00 pm, we will be meeting with residents of Valleyview, Barnhartvale, Dallas, Juniper Ridge, and Rose Hill in the multi-purpose room at Valleyview Secondary (1950 Valleyview Drive). Please join us and share your vision for affordable housing in your neighbourhood!
It's that time of year - when potholes take over our roads. Our crews are out working on them, but if you spot one, report it and we'll get to it as soon as we can! *PLEASE NOTE: Pothole crew vehicles make frequent stops. Please use caution and be patient.
Let’s Talk Affordable Housing! We’re hosting round table discussions throughout the city to get your input to inform our Affordable Housing Strategy. Learn more and find the meeting for your neighbourhood at #housing4all #letstalk
Later this summer, one of the downtown parkades will become a public art piece.
The City of Kamloops has announced a new corporate structure in effort to consolidate services, create organizational efficiencies, and reduce operational expenses. The restructuring of City departments is the result of a recent review of services and capacity prompted by the departure of David Duckworth, the City’s Corporate Services and Community Safety Director. The new structure follows best practices in municipal organization and streamlines existing City departments into four main functional areas: Civic Operations; Community and Protective Services; Development, Engineering, and Sustainability; and Corporate Services. These four departments are supported by Administration and Human Resources and Safety. The changes will take effect on March 3, 2018. See the new full organizational chart at: