Connaigre Arena
2016/17 Schedule
Sunday: 1-2 pm General Skate
2-3 pm General Skate
6:30-7:30 pm Boys Hockey
Monday: 2-3 pm General Skate
3-4 pm Kiddie Stick Day
*grade 6 & younger*
5:15-6:15 pm Novice
6:15-7:15 pm Peewee
7:15-8:15 pm Midget
Tuesday: 2-3 pm General Skate
3:15-4:15 pm Stick Day(All Ages)
5:15-6 pm Initiation
6-7 pm Atom
7-8 Bantam
8:30-9:30 pm Men's Hockey
Wednesday: 2-3 pm General Skate
3-4 pm Kiddie Stick Day
*grade 6 and younger*
5:15-6:15 pm Novice
6:15-7:15 pm Peewee
7:15-8:45 pm Midget Game Night
Thursday: 2-3 pm General Skate
3-4 pm Stick Day(All Ages)
5:15-6 pm Initaition
6-7 pm Atom
7-8 Bantam
8:30-9:30 pm Men's Hockey
Friday: 6-7 pm General Skate
7-8 pm General Skate
8:30-9:30 pm Men's Hockey
Saturday: Tournaments/Rentals/Special Events
Cost of Public Skate hours is $3 per person
Skating Passes available at the rink: 4 skate passes for $10
*Rental times available in any time slots left open, 7 days a week*
Rental costs are as follows:
1 hour ice time for adults: $100 + tax
1 hour ice time for children: $80 + tax
1 hour ice time and use of the hospitality room (perfect for birthday parties):$100 + tax
Hospitality room only: $60 + tax
There is a $25 fee for rental areas not cleaned after use
Call the Arena for bookings, 885-2490, or call Treena at home at 885-2643. I can also be reached through Facebook.
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Connaigre Arena's cover photo