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Howliday Inn Pet Resort & Daycare

29379 RR15-0, Hanna, Canada
Pet Sitter



Our small family run daycare & resort will give you guilt free work days or stress free vacations, let us give your dog hands on love when you can't. : ) The most beneficial part of a daycare environment is that the dogs learn how to socialize around one another. You will notice your dog is very happy & relaxed after a day of playing in our indoor / outdoor play areas. Your dog will be able to wrestle, swim, & play with other dogs on our miles of trails in our stress free rural environment to get rid of pent up energy & be content to just snuggle on the couch with you when you get home. We do know they need their rest as well, so be assured that there is a nap time in the afternoon, but not before a treat & a little T.V time...Animal Planet of course!!!


Just a friendly reminder to all those who bring their dogs out for a stay, you may want to reread page 3 of the paperwork EVERYONE must sign before a dog is left in my care. While there is a ton of fun to be had out here there are also considerable risks. Dogs are like kids & sometimes have disagreements (except they use teeth to settle an argument they don’t blow a spaz & call a teacher) there are coyotes & other wildlife they may encounter (skunks, porcupine etc) tasty gross things on the trail to eat & barf up later & don’t get me started on extreme cold or heat. We do our very best to keep everyone safe but accidents happen & even the kindest people that love animals to death have a run of bad long story short consider all the dangers & be prepared to accept them cuz accidents happen & the Howliday Inn & all those associated are NOT liable for loss, damage or death. We also are not liable for vet bills incurred during their stay.

Just got an update from Stewie’s new family & am SO happy to see my lil Stewart snuggling with his new momma’s handicapped grandbaby...this just goes to show that with a bit of patience & understanding you can work with your dog to overcome their fears & teach them that there are good people in the world & previous scary experiences don’t have to haunt you forever. I’m so glad this family chose Stewie & that they believed in him enough to help him overcome his fear of kids ❤️ way to go Stewie & Family you guys are amazing 😘

Well some cute lil fella is on his way to meet his new family 😃 I’m gonna miss this lil sweetie but I’m sooo happy for him & he’s going to live with family members of a friend so I’m sure they’ll send me pics from time to time so I know how he’s doing ♥️ take care lil man & be safe out there...thanks to everyone who shared pics of this lil angel so he could meet the family of his dreams 🙏🏼☺️

For anyone missing all the pups antics you are welcome to join the new "Howliday Inn Pet Resort & Rescue" group ☺️👍🏼

Summer fun ☀️🌈💦

My babies beating the heat ❤️ Ami was loving the water
