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St Paul's Hampton

486 Kennebecasis River Road, Hampton, Canada
Religious Organization



Worshiping God and serving our neighbors on the Kennebecasis and beyond for 200 years and counting. The Anglican Parish of Hampton has been worshiping God and serving our neighbors on the banks of the Kennebecasis and beyond for 200 years and counting. We are part of the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, the Anglican Church of Canada, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion.
We also see ourselves as one with those who have been drawn to follow Jesus in each new generation throughout history, in every nation, and across every religious denomination, so while being grateful for who we are we are overjoyed to be part of something so much greater than ourselves.


According to Michael Frost, in his book Surprise the World, there are at least 5 things that every follower of Jesus can do to help a growing number of people experience a growing relationship with God. Over the last few weeks we’ve looked closely at the first 3 of these habits (regularly Blessing others, Eating with others, and Listening for the voice of the Spirit). [ 617 more words ]

A team of 21 youth and leaders from all across the diocese are going to Toronto to learn about God by serving His people. The trip will be from April 28th to May 4th, and it's estimated to cost about 9000$ total. Last year's trip was a huge success in which each of the participants took significant steps forward in their spiritual and leadership formation. The Parishes of the Upper Kennebecasis will be well represented by Rev. Dan McMullen, mission interns Nate Fetter and T.J.Trenzek-Jeall, Jessie Gowan, Carter Scott, and Amy, Cameron, and Chelsea Hoyt. Please support these young missional leaders and enjoy some awesome chili while you're at it. Cost $10 per person or $25 for a family. All proceeds will go to financing the mission trip to Toronto.

This month, our Worship Night falls on the Vigil of Easter, the most sacred night for Christians. For centuries, this has been a night for followers of Jesus to open their lives to the power of His resurrection, and to encounter the Risen Jesus.

For Lent this year we are exploring 5 habits that followers of Jesus can adopt to help a growing number of people find out more about the God we hope they will come to know and love. In his book Surprise the World Michael Frost calls these habits “questionable behaviours.” They are behaviors that get people asking questions, the sort of questions that followers of Jesus can then answer by sharing what they have experienced and come to know about who God is and what God is like. [ 610 more words ]

In his book, Surprise the World, Michael Frost wants to encourage followers of Jesus to adopt 5 habits that he believes will not only help us cultivate a deeper connection with God and a stronger sense of community with one another, but will also help us share our faith with others in ways that are surprising and deeply meaningful. The first of these habits, which we explored last Sunday, was to [ 287 more words ]

St Paul's Annual Meeting Sunday, Feb 25 11:45 am Following the combined 10:00 am service

In his book, Discover Your Mission Now, Dave Ferguson recounts reading a doctoral thesis entitled “Blessers versus Converters.” The researcher had looked at two teams of short-term missionaries that visited Thailand with distinctly different strategies for helping people engage the message of Jesus and the Christian faith. The team referred to as the “blessers” went with the intention of simply blessing people. [ 225 more words ]

Worship Night Saturday Feb 24 6:30-8:00 pm Open Space~Open Worship~Open Hearts

Hampton High School Students are invited for pancakes at St Paul's

St Paul's Annual Meeting Sunday, Feb 25 11:45 am Following the combined 10:00 am service


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