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Da Kų Cultural Centre

280 Alaska Highway, Haines Junction, Canada
Museum/Art Gallery



A gathering place that recognizes and celebrates the cultural contributions and way of life of Champagne and Aishihik First Nations people. The Da Kų Culture Centre is an innovative cultural facility located in Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction) in the southern part of Canada’s Yukon Territory. Da Kų (Our House) celebrates the culture and traditions of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) Dän (people). The centre is a teaching, curatorial and interpretive facility, providing programming directed to our Citizens as well as the general public. Da Kų honours our language and stories, our strong connection to the land, and our living culture. Da Kų also connects the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Dän to the wider community of Dakéyi, our southern Yukon and northwestern British Columbia homeland. These links are illustrated by the other agencies housed in our facility – Parks Canada’s Kluane National Park Visitor Centre, with its feature exhibits, and Yukon Government’s Visitor Information Centre, which showcases pieces from the Yukon Permanent Art Collection. No admission is charged for visiting Da Kų. We recommend a couple hours be allowed for visiting the centre.


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This is happening in just a few days!!! Come on out and see all the great dancers right here at Da Ku

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CAFN Elder's Senate met yesterday in our Hall.

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Whoops! Forgot to mention that we are OPEN for summer. Current hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday (hours will expand shortly). New exhibit room to open June 1. Come by and visit us and learn from our Heritage Interpreter Sheila :)

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So, this is happening :)

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Aishihik Dam Relicensing Information meeting at lunch today at Da Ku. Catered by 14 Acre Farm. Yay!!!

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this is tonight at Da Ku. Dinner at 6!!

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Day 2 of the Financial Literacy Workshop at Da Ku today

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Some University of Alberta students toured the cultural centre today!

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The roads are good this morning! After lots of snow fell yesterday. Frederick is busy clearing the parking lot so come on out for the CAFN Special GA from 10am to 5pm today. Val and Bonnie are cooking!

TODAY: at noon. Everyone is welcome. Light lunch served. Yukon Energy is in the final round of public meetings before they finalize their 20 year integrated resource plan (2016-2035). The main purpose of this planning is to identify their best options for developing more capacity to meet electrical generation needs into the next 20 years. They have looked at a wide range of possible projects. At this point, they have narrowed down their concepts to a limited set of options. This meeting will provide an opportunity to give YEC feedback.


NEAR Da Kų Cultural Centre