ADULT $6.00,
3D Movie’s FROM REALD, ADD $1.00 TO THE COST OF ADMISSION The 102-year-old Lyceum Theatre by admin • May 7, 2013 • History • 0 Comments
The Lyceum Theatre in 1911
By Craig Baird
When moving pictures began to take off early in the 20th century, it seemed as though nearly every community in Canada had a small theatre. As time went on, many lost their theatres as larger municipal centres drew in visitors. Today, only a few small communities retain their theatre and Gull Lake is lucky enough to be one.
Our historic Lyceum Theatre dates back over 100 years, all the way to 1911. The original theatre was built in 1911 by Schoonmaker but was sadly destroyed in a fire four years later.
Soon rebuilt by Sam Tyler on Conrad Avenue, it would be operated by Tyler until 1929 when he sold it to Herb Tyler and Coney of Tompkins.
They would operate the theatre through the difficult years of the 1930s and eventually sell it to Dr. Matheson and John Davidson in 1946. They would operate it for 14 years until 1960. At this point, Chig Potter and his family bought the business and owned it for 14 years until 1976. Fred Turner took over the business at this point but two years into his stint as owner, the theatre was once again destroyed by fire. According to the Advance, Fred Turner and his mother had just moved into the suite above the theatre a few weeks previous. Mrs. Turner was upstairs watching television when she smelled smoke and went to investigate. As she came downstairs, she saw flame around the exit door to the south of the stage. She went to exit the building and as she opened the door, an explosion flew her across a nearby car. By the time the fire brigade was on hand, the building was engulfed and the rebuilding process began. Work bees were organized to clean up what was left of the building and benefits were held for the Turner family as they lost everything in the fire.
Once again, the theatre was rebuilt in 1978 on the site under the former theatre.
Today, it is operated by the Gull Lake Cultural Co-op.
As for the name, it is hard to say where it comes from but it is likely named after the Lyceum Theatre in London, England. That theatre has been around since 1765. There are also three other Lyceum theatres in England but it is likely that the original Lyceum Theatre is the inspiration for the name. The name was actually suggested by Roy Henry, who was a friend of Sam Tyler. When Henry suggested the idea, Tyler liked it so much he adopted it.
While the Lyric Theatre in Swift Current has been operating since 1912, and claims to be the oldest operating theatre in Saskatchewan, the Lyceum was built one year before it. Apart from the two fires and the time in-between to rebuild, the theatre has operated for 99 of its 102 years.
Looking back in the newspapers, in the Nov. 23, 1911 issue of the Gull Lake Advertiser, we get a glimpse of what could be expected at the theatre during its first year of operation.
“On Saturday, Nov. 25, Midland Concert Company. The manager having to pay for his pictures whether they are used or not, he has decided to show the regular pictures before the concert without any extra charge, to start at 8, concert at 9 p.m. Admission 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents.
On Monday, Nov. 27, The Juvenile Bostonians will put on The Rose of Blandeen. This company were very well received on their previous visit to the town. Admission $1, children 50 cents.
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facebook.comTHE CASE FOR CHRIST (SUN, MON, TUES) MAY 7,8,9
Thank you to the Royal Bank - Gull Lake Branch for choosing Lyceum Theatre as one of their In-Service Day events! Wendy, Deanna & Jollene donned the aprons, this afternoon at The Boss Baby Matinee, greeted and served customers. They made up candy bags galore for upcoming shows. Not only did they dedicate their time this afternoon, they are sending a donation as well. Thank you again ladies! The theatre is sincerely very appreciative. ~Wendy, Manager
Timeline Photos
Dinner & A Movie Saturday, May 13th - featuring Beauty & The Beast !!
I would like to take a moment to thank some very amazing young men and ladies for helping me last night for the Double Feature Horror Night. Sarah and Brenlyn - Ladies you rocked the concession!! Thank you so much for doing such a great job before the first movie, and during intermission. Jaycee M (I hope I spelled that correctly) - Thank you for being the "runner", between the concession and the box office. You were so helpful to all of us. Thank you to Mitchell and Quinn, for tidying up the theatre between the movies during intermission! You did an amazing job - your work helped me out so much! Thank goodness for the youth in our community, who take pride in their community theatre, and assist me with enthusiasm and pride! ~Wendy, Manager
Saturday night was a fantastic double the fright night at the Lyceum Theatre! Get Out started off the night, a short intermission, and we rolled into the 1975 Directors Cut - The Exorcist! Over 100 theatre friends met to share this double feature night! Thank you to Devon Omen - Dead Prairie Productions for his passion for the Classic Horror Movies. This is the second time Devon and I have teamed up together to bring a double horror night to the Lyceum theatre, and are looking at presenting more great nights like last night. Thank you to all our theatre friends for making it a frightfully terrific night!! ~Wendy, Manager
Dead Prairies Productions
Mother Nature has set the scene perfectly for our Double Horror Movie night tonight!! Awesome light show and great thunder ...hope to see you all tonight
Showlist Information
We have added the May Show-list information to our website!!
Photos from Gull Lake Lyceum Theatre's post
Kreative Kids Easter Fun at the Movies Event
Kreative Kids Easter Fun at the Movies