Rachael is a Certified Athletic Therapist with a variety of experience in the rehabilitation and sports conditioning industries. As an Athletic Therapist, I've had great opportunities working with The University of Guelph, Rugby Canada, and The National Ballet of Canada. In my treatments I use advanced techniques in taping, manual musculoskeletal rehabilitation and exercise prescription. I'm skilled at developing sport specific programs that address both athletic performance and injury prevention. I make it my goal to provide the right encouragement to push to the next level in your sport/activity in a safe environment.
In my spare time, i enjoy trail running, mountain biking, strength training and yoga (to name a few).
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"Winning isn’t normal. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with winning. It just isn’t the norm. It is highly unusual. Every competition has only one winner. No matter how many people are entered, only one person or team wins each championship. Winning is unusual- And as such, it requires unusual action. In order to win, you must do extraordinary things. You cannot just be one of the crowd. The crowd doesn’t win. You have to be willing to stand out and act differently. Your actions need to reflect unusual values and priorities. You have to value success more than others do. You have to want it more. Wanting it more is a decision you make and act upon — not some inherent quality or burning inner drive or inspiration! You have to make that value a priority. You cannot train like everyone else. You have to train more and train better. You can’t talk like everyone else. You can’t think like everyone else. You cannot be too willing to join the crowd, to do what is expected, to act in a socially accepted manner, to do what’s “in”. You need to be willing to stand out in the crowd and consistently take exceptional action. If you want to win, you need to accept the risks and perhaps the loneliness… because winning isn’t normal!" Dr. Keith Bell Sports Psychologist
BREAKING: Mustangs QB Finch retires from football |
The first time I ever had to call for an ambulance as an Athletic Therapist (student at the time), I was covering a highschool football game for the Holy Trinity Titans, they were playing the Nelson Lordes on their home turf in Burlington under the lights. The last play, of what was a very exciting game, one of the players from my team hit the Nelson quarterback from behind causing everyone to stop in their tracks and for me to immediately sprint onto the field. I wasn’t the therapist for Nelson, but it was one of those hits that you know he wasn’t going to stand up from. He was conscious but disoriented, face down on the ground. I asked him questions and stabilized his head, I began to realize the severity of the head injury and of course in the back of my mind there was always the worry of a spinal cord injury. As we kept him calm and did our assessment an ambulance was called, they showed up, he was put on a spinal board and away he went. I can retell this experience calmly now because this was quite a while ago, but at the time this was one of the hardest things for me to get over as a young student therapist. The worry I felt for this kid that I didn’t even know was tremendous. I emailed the coach the next day to hear that the athlete did not have any spinal cord injury but that he did have a concussion. I was of course relieved. Will Finch probably has no idea who I am, but he has had a huge impact on my career both as a student and as a Certified Athletic Therapist. I have followed him in his football career and now I am relieved further, as that quarterback that I helped 5ish years ago has made a very wise decision to think of his health first. I hope there are other athletes out there who will follow in his path. #AthleticTherapy Shift Concussion Management Inc.