VIQUA is the world’s largest supplier of residential and light commercial UV water disinfection systems, providing safe water without the use of chemicals. With more than 35 years of experience in the residential UV business, the expertise and care that goes into the development of VIQUA products is second to none. So whether you choose a point-of-entry or a point-of-use system, your VIQUA UV system will disinfect your drinking water, keeping you and your family safe from microbiological contaminants.
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facebook.comWater, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto
The power of a kind word beautifully illustrated in the form of a water crystal. Happy Friday everyone!
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NItrates in WI;PFOAs in Hoosick Falls, NY;Lead in Flint, MI;TTHMs in Maynard, MA. Is it time to test your water? Time to talk to a professional? Time to consider POE water treatment? #thinkuv
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The installation of specialized carbon filtration for homes in Hoosick Falls is another example of final barrier treatment. In-home water treatment, especially, if you are on a private well can protect your family's drinking water. Thinking it could be right for you? Test your water. Consult a professional. Trust a market leader.
Infographic: The Age of U.S. Drinking Water Pipes - From Civil War Era...
Great infographic about the age of infrastructure in the US. Just how old are the pipes bringing water to your taps? #watertreatment #thinkuv
Test your private well water, chances are, it's contaminated
Whether you live in Wisconsin or elsewhere but rely on a private well for drinking water, here is some solid advice from VIQUA partner Sterling Water Culligan. "Always get a test....Get the facts....Have people give you the data - no different if you went to your doctor to get a blood test.... Learn more about what's in your water and then take action." Watch his TV interview here.
The Pampered Pet's Water Dish - VIQUA
Most pet owners don't need a designated day to lavish love on their animals but since it is #NationalLoveYourPetDay here's one more way to give them the best care.
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What will your random act of kindness be? #RandomAactsOfKindnessDay
What's a Boil Water Advisory?
The critters are at it again....this time sneaking into city water. With hundreds of boil water advisories every day, they have plenty of opportunity to wreak havoc.
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Thousands have lived without love, but none without water. - W.H.Auden
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VIQUA Pro systems are now equipped with LightWise™ technology. The advantages of lamp dimming as an innovative approach to the issue of quartz sleeve fouling are explained in this article from Water Quality Products magazine.
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Boil water advisory. Unwelcome words if you're a restaurant owner. Triggered by water main breaks and repairs, floods or hurricanes, a boil water advisory can impact your business and negatively affect revenue. Boiling water. Buying ice. Serving bottled water only. #thinkuv. Which would you choose?
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For #WorldCancerDay, the VIQUA blog highlights the role of water in 3 actions that can reduce your cancer risk.