Mario Cabrera Centres Hypothécaires Dominion Phénix
Pour tout vos besoins financier, allant de votre hypothèque jusqu'à vos placement, je suis la personne qu'il vous faut!
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La Banque du Canada ne réduit pas son taux directeur La Banque du Canada ne réduit pas son taux directeur Comme l’avait prévu la moitié des analystes de marchés, la Banque du Canada a maintenu sa cible quant au taux à un jour à 0,5 %. La Banque a affirmé que les perspectives en matière d’inflation sont essentiellement comme prévues et que « la dynamique de l’économie mondiale correspond grandement à ce qui était anticipé dans le Rapport sur la politique monétaire (RPM) d’octobre de la Banque. »
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Mario Cabrera Centres Hypothécaires Dominion Phénix
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According to Csikszentmihalyi, in order to experience flow, we need to face challenges that either match or slightly exceed our current ability. If the tasks we’re engaged in are too simple, we get bored. And if we find ourselves in situations that are too far beyond our skill level, we get overwhelmed. In both cases the impact on our engagement is the same: We lose interest.
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4 THINGS THAT WILL KILL YOUR MORTGAGE APPROVAL 1. Buying a Vehicle Your current car may have finally given up or a great deal has arisen, but before making any decision on a new vehicle, check with your mortgage professional. You need to ensure that the numbers you provided on your mortgage application hold true in order to be approved! 2. Changing your Credit or Payment Routine Before putting extra money towards a debt or changing your payment schedule on any liability, you must check with your mortgage professional. Again, anything that doesn’t align to the information you provided on your mortgage application could put your approval in jeopardy. 3. Changing Jobs There are many opportunities and challenges that come with any job, but before deciding to drastically change your employment situation, keep the following in mind: If you are accepting a new position you need to ask if you will be given a probation period. Any mortgage lender will not accept probationary employment on a mortgage application. If your income situation is changing, such as receiving bonuses, overtime, or commissions, you could be putting your approval in limbo. This is risky because these job perks require a 2 year history before a lender will accept them as income. If you cannot stand your job any longer and are considering leaving the position, you need to talk to your mortgage professional immediately. The information you provide on your application must check out, especially when it comes to your employment. Most likely, you will need to wait to leave your job until after the mortgage has been approved and you’ve taken possession of the home or you’ll risk losing your dream house. If you are considered a contractor or self-employed person, you must provide a 2 year history in order to be approved for a mortgage. If you are considering going into this line of work you’ll need to wait until after you take possession. 4. Making Payments Late While waiting for your mortgage to be approved, make sure you make every payment early or on time! If your credit experiences even a slight drop because of a late payment or maxed out credit card, a lender will not approve your mortgage and will cancel the application. Getting approved for a mortgage doesn’t have to be difficult! As long as you do your due diligence and know all the information, you will be on the path to a happy home-buying process. Contact Dominion Lending Centres to inquire about mortgage approvals.