Rasmussen Fitness
Sudbury's best at helping busy professionals look and feel better through proper fitness & nutrition coaching. Sudbury's best at helping busy professionals look and feel better through proper fitness & nutrition coaching.
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CAJUN GRILLED SHRIMP Warning: Only make this recipe if you want to take your taste buds on a seriously wild ride! The spice and flavors in this Cajun Grilled Shrimp are on full blast! I highly recommend serving this firecracker shrimp over cauliflower rice dressed in lemon juice for cooling, calming flavors that create the perfect balance for spicy shrimp. The shrimp grills very quickly, so be sure to have everything else prepared and ready to be served before you get those shrimps on the barbie… :-) CLICK LINK BELOW FOR FULL RECIPE: ==> https://rasmussenfitness.fitproconnect.com/WeeklyRecipe/2017/9/6/
ONCE FAT, ALWAYS FAT? Less than 1% of the formerly obese will maintain weight loss for more than a year, according to a study conducted in the UK in 2015. Specifically this broke down to just 1 man out of 210 and 1 woman out of 124. Does this mean that once fat we are all doomed to stay fat? Participants in the study were told... CLICK LINK BELOW TO READ MORE ==> https://rasmussenfitness.fitproconnect.com/Newsletter/9/3/2017/
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MEXICAN SKILLET DINNER Here’s one seriously nutritious south-of-the-border skillet dinner! Most Mexican dinners contain generous portions of grains and dairy, so we’ve lightened this one up by taking out traditional rice and replacing cheese topping with fresh avocado and pico de gallo. It’s mildly spicy and very satisfying! In this skillet dinner... CLICK LINK BELOW FOR FULL RECIPE ==> https://rasmussenfitness.fitproconnect.com/WeeklyRecipe/2017/8/30/
HAVE YOU COOKED LIKE THIS BEFORE? (so easy) Getting healthy meals on the table each night is one of the biggest challenges that my members are faced with – maybe it’s a challenge for you too – so I was really excited to come across this amazingly simple cooking technique that dramatically reduces the fat and carb count of your favorite recipes! I’m referring to the foolproof technique of baking in parchment paper packets, also called “en papillote.” Meat, veggies and flavors are wrapped together in parchment paper and then baked in the oven. Steam is trapped inside of the parchment packet to magically produce very moist and tender meals. CLICK LINK BELOW FOR OUR Dijon Chicken with Sweet Potato and Green Beans En Papillote Recipe ==> https://rasmussenfitness.fitproconnect.com/Newsletter/2017/8/28/
CURLY ENDIVE SALAD Are you eating tons of salads? I sure hope so. A big, colorful salad topped with a serving of protein is just about as healthy a meal as you will ever find. And, when done right, it’s also one of the tastiest meals! Eating like this makes it possible to shed body fat while sustaining energy levels and muscle tone. CLICK LINK FOR COMPLETE RECIPE ==> https://rasmussenfitness.fitproconnect.com/WeeklyRecipe/2017/8/23/
THE SIMPLE HABIT THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING Sandy started her fat loss journey with 56 pounds to lose, though when you see her now you’d never believe that she was once overweight. Today the lean and attractive mother of two... CLICK LINK BELOW TO READ MORE ==> https://rasmussenfitness.fitproconnect.com/Newsletter/2017/8/21/
Check out the latest Rasmussen Fitness Newsletter...
HOW TO CRUSH THOSE LAST 10 LBS Got a frustrating few pounds left? You've been on point with your fitness, getting in your workouts and eating cleaner than ever before. Initially the weight fell off, and it motivated you to keep it up. But now your results have stopped. You’re still doing all that hard work, but it's... CLICK LINK TO READ MORE ==> https://rasmussenfitness.fitproconnect.com/Newsletter/2017/8/14/