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Body Edge Fitness and Personal Training

358 Market Ave, Grand Forks, Canada
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Modern fitness center totally equipped for all levels with Hammer Strength and Life Fitness equipment. Personal training provided to persons with goals ranging from but not limited to increased flexibility, weight loss, improved nutrition, size and strength increases, sport specific conditioning to bodybuilding / figure contest preparation.


A "mental and physical milestone" crushed today for this young lady. Eden Borgias, just shy of 60, has been on a body transformation mission the last 4 months which includes intense weight training in the gym and an even more intense nutrition plan. Today she did just over an hour of intense circuit training with tons of leg work and some upper body training. The 5 min breaks between the resistance circuits is not a is actually High Intensity cardio. Never once did she show any signs of quitting...because she wants it! The session was inspirational for me as well as all those that saw it take it was on her second of two no carb days! This is Eden in the yellow a couple weeks and a few lbs ago. She was a little more disheveled leaving the gym today. can do anything you set your mind to in the gym after enduring that...super proud of your tenacity and effort!!

READ THIS...Sorry to have to post this! If you are an after hours member and you allow anyone in the front door during the after hours period... YOU LOSE YOUR AFTER HOURS PRIVILEGES... You signed a waiver acknowledging this when you got your pass. If you come in after hours with a friend who has a valid after hours membership, you both must sign in! Also, if found in the gym during after hours without a valid membership, your membership privileges will be suspended meaning you will be unable to obtain a membership. This has become an issue as of late. NO SECOND CHANCES! Signs have been posted at the check-in desk and in the facility.

Team Canada... We should all be very proud of the hard work and the results attained by our Canadian Olympic athletes!! Our best showing ever!

The 3rd Edition of the "Fun Mudder Obstacle Race" was run in downtown Grand Forks today in conjunction with Family Day Weekend Celebrations. Once again, the race was put on by the staff and members of Body Edge Fitness. Body Edge would like to thank the Public Works sector of the City of Grand Forks; Family Day organizer Jennifer Wetmore; BE staff member Sonya Wood and our outstanding volunteers from our membership group, namely, Wyatt Barwick; Rae Haddow; Donna Hawkins; Cheryl Ahrens; Kyle Bron; Jasmine Starchuk; Aaron Gunther and "Jake"...without your generous hours of volunteer work on a long weekend, we would be unable to pull this off.

There are a lot of people with a lot of excuses why they can't do something. This guy isn't one of them. Absolutely amazing will to live no matter what he has been dealt. It's a mindset!

Straight to the point...!!! TRUTH!!

New desk guy at Body Edge Fitness!

MERRY XMAS DRAW WINNERS: 1 yr Membership - Steve Hogarth 3 Month Membership - Aaron Gunther 1 Hour Training with Al - Patrick Ward 1 Hour Training with Nancy - Kathryn Williamson Congratulations to all and Merry Xmas!!

We have so many amazing athletes in Grand Forks. This is just one of them. Yvonne Konar competed at the B.C. Games held in Vernon this past September. She was entered in the 55+ Free style swimming events medaling in 4 categories. She earned a Gold, 2 silver and a bronze.What an amazing athlete. To think this was her first time. Training consisted of swimming at the local pool and at times in the river. She also did some cross training during the week at Body Edge to be sure to hit all muscle groups and keep her training well rounded. Competitors in her age category ranged from 55 - 93. Just goes to show you it's never too late to start.The BC Games will be held in the Cranbrook/ Kimberley area in 2018. If you are interested in learning more about the games go to

So when you things are "hard" and "not worth the effort" and are considering giving up, think of this BEAUTIFUL young woman. This woman will succeed at everything she does in her life.

The "Youth of Today" should be the heading on this one. This morn at Body Edge "Bill" and "Bill". Both so engrossed in their phones didn't see the pic being taken and hopefully...they weren't texting each other.
