Amanda Babcock Formula 1 Noni Canada BC Rep
Formula 1 Noni supports a strong immune system, a healthy gut, faster recovery from activity and balanced behaviour.Formula 1 is for both human and animals
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facebook.comI have Blue and Gold Label Noni, Papaya, Flex and Flex Ice all in stock right now, but it's going fast, if you need a refill or want to give this amazing product a try please let me know. I am headed to Fort St John today and will be in the area until Thursday, then Thursday evening I'm back to Grande Prairie. Please let me know if you have any questions about Formula 1 products, I'd love to help you get your Horse, dog or even bovine started.
Formula 1 Noni gold is in stock, Formula 1 Noni Blue is on its way, Formula 1 Papaya is on its way, Formula 1 Flex is in stock, Formula 1 Flex Ice is on its way, these products are going fast, so please let me know if there is something you are interested in but need more information, or something that you want your name on :) Have a great day.
Photos from Amanda Babcock Formula 1 Noni Canada BC Rep's post
Two of my personal Noni ponies shining bright. I can't wait until they are finished shedding out. I'd love to see your Noni ponies!!! Share your pics! And if you don't have your "pony" on Noni yet, message me and let's get them started.
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I love it when a first time Formula 1 customer gets in touch with me to share that they are loving the results and that their horses are loving the products! This message is from a new Formula 1 Noni customer, their horses have not even been on Formula 1 Noni for a full month yet.
I will be in Fort St John today, and heading back to Grande Prairie tomorrow, I have Formula 1 Noni Blue label and Gold available, as well as Formula 1 Papaya available, Papaya is absolutely amazing for digestive upset, I have witnessed extremely cranky horses due to tummy trouble completely transform with in half hour of being given the Papaya. I also have the Formula 1 Flex and Flex Ice available. These products are phenomenal for muscle aches and pains, I have used both on my aching sore muscles after a super long and busy physical day and the comfort and relaxation they have brought both myself and my horses have been anything short of amazing. PM me so I can meet up with you somewhere to get you yours.
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Another happy Formula 1 Customer. I love how these products literal change lives. Let me know what you are struggling with, either with your equine, canine, or yourself.
During a clinic I was attending on the weekend, one of the horses in the clinic began to act very irritable, being an equine therapist I was asked to have a quick check to see if it could be due to saddle fit issues or if something would stand out at me, it came down to him having some very reactive ulcer points, I made the recommendation to have him visit his vet, but he also prioritized Formula 1 Papaya. We gave him 2 ounces. Within the hour his ulcer points were less reactive, he wasn't fighting his rider he wasn't trying to eat everyone who came near him, his rider described him as being back to his usual self. We continued the Papaya through out the weekend and his rider was very happy with the results and took a bottle of Papaya home with her to continue him on. I am not in anyway saying that Papaya cures ulcers, and all in all really I can't diagnose him as actually having ulcers, that is for a vet to do, but it was clear he was having digestive discomfort that was ruining his day, and Formula 1 Papaya can and did help with his digestive upset. I do have Formula 1 Papaya in stock for anyone interested in this amazing product
I have sold out my newly ordered case of Formula 1 Noni blue and gold label, I have 1 bottle of Formula 1 Papaya available now and will be submitting another order for both Noni and Papaya. Please let me know if you are looking to either replenish your supply, or if you would like to introduce your equine, canine, bovine, or self to this very beneficial and superior product.
As we get back into the New Year and away from the Christmas treats, many of us get back into the swing of things or start off our new year with a resolution to be healthier. I have not made a resolution, but have started back into exercise and of course the horses are being legged up as well. In addition to the exercise I have started taking my Formula 1 Noni Blue label again. (Why I stop is beyond me) I have arthritic knees... Years at the post office carrying heavy bags of mail on my back pounding the pavement have taken their toll, generally a few weeks into working out, I either would need to pop Advil and Tylenol and ice to help with the inflammation and pain so I could at least try to get some sleep that the pain in my knees was keeping me from. Now with Formula 1 Noni being the only change I can blast thru my work out, and legging up the horses, all of my chores and day to day farm stuff, and not only feel great, have 0 pain, I also have a great energy level, and when I sleep, I sleep! But I also have a rotten puppy who I wouldn't change for the world except maybe her sleeping pattern, so she is often up a few times through the night to go out, I still bounce out of bed at 8 in the morning, feeling fully refreshed and ready, and that energy stays with me all day. I don't need my naps that I used to look forward to and day dream about..... 1oz/day has literally changed my life... 1 oz/day has improved my life. These are my results. I can feel the difference in myself and see the difference in my horses. Why wait? What could be your story?
Grande Praire, Beaverlodge and areas I am headed your way tomorrow and have a couple available appointments this weekend and Monday. Please pm me if you have an equine friend in need of some TLC. I will also have Formula 1 Noni blue and a bottle of the Formula 1 Papaya with me if anyone is getting low or wants to add it to their program.
Amanda Babcock Formula 1 Noni Canada BC Rep
Only 150 Likes away from the first Give away. Please follow the instructions to be enetered. I do have both Formula 1 Noni in stock as well as the Formula 1 Papaya or contact me for an order and have it delivered right to your mailbox.
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New Years Give Away!!!! Happy New Year everyone! As we start our New Year and many start to get our horses ready for the barrel season, why not add Noni to your equine partners feed program? Noni benefits include -nutrient absorption -ulcer maintenance -cool focused energy -acts as an adaptogen -Blue label aids in joint maintenance and so much more, Also if you have a horse that is prone to ulcer issues or stomach upset Formula One also now offers Papaya, use the papaya alone, or with Noni. For more information on either or both of these products please contact me with your questions. BONUS: I will be giving away 1 bottle of Formula 1 Papaya when my page reaches 250 likes, to be entered all you need to do is Like my page, Like and share this post, and tag a friend who also might have an equine companion who could benefit from our Formula 1 Products.