The Bargain Basement
The Bargain Basement is a not-for-profit thrift store that sells donated clothing and household items. Money raised from these sales supports our community
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facebook.comOur back room is getting full again!! Anyone have room to take a few bags to Prince George Salivation Army?
Bag sale today until 4pm!!! Need to clear racks for spring/summer clothes!!
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$1.00 special on all Ladies pants this Thursday and Friday-March 2-3. Other in store specials as well... Come and Shop!!
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Wii balance board and Wii fit game. $10
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Hamilton Beach roaster. In good shape... $15.
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Vivitar USB laptop cooling pad. $10
BAG SALE WEEK!!! January 26th (Thurs.) & 27th (Friday) Store open 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Bargain Basement
BAG SALE WEEK!!! It's that week again!! Some restrictions apply... but not many! The store is open this week: Thursday, January 26th 12:00 pm-4:00 pm Friday, January 27th 12:00 pm-4:00 pm
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All Christmas items by donation (less than $1) this week! Come and stock up for next year!
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We're back! Open this week Thursday and Friday, noon until 4 pm.
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Thanks so much for your support! See you in the new year!