Pelham Medical Associates
Family Practice and Walk-in Clinic in Fonthill, Pelham, Niagara Region Ontario.
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Pelham Medical Associates will be closed Monday, February 15 for Family Day. We hope our patients and the community of Pelham enjoy your time with family and friends.
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Eating disorder awareness week is February 1-7. Let's stop the stigma with eating disorders and unhealthy relationships with food, and start talking.
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As of March 1st, 2016, Pelham Medical Associates will be changing the manner in which we see our walk-in patients. Instead of walking in and having to wait to see the doctor you will be able to make an appointment, if available, for a SAME DAY visit either by speaking to one of our staff by phone or by visiting the clinic. This applies to BOTH our family practice patients and walk-in patients. We feel that same-day booking of walk-in visits will streamline your appointment, reduce your wait time and exposure in the waiting room and improve your patient experience.
How to Quit Smoking
Here is a plan to help you quit smoking. You can make an appointment with you family doctor and Dr. Bak or Dr. Grant would be happy to get you on the right path towards a healthy 2016.
18 Ways Smoking Affects Your Health
More ways smoking affects your health.
The Effects of Smoking on the Body
The effects of smoking on your body. It isn't just your lungs. Make 2016 the year you quit.
National Non-Smoking Week is January 18-24, 2016 | The Lung Association
As promised more tips to help quit smoking. This time from The Lung Association.
Smokers' Helpline - Home
All week we will be posting links to help you quit smoking. Let's make 2016 your healthiest year.
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January 17-23 is National Non-Smoking Week. If you are a smoker quitting is the best thing you can do for your health. Make 2016 the year you quit.