lake trout, fishing, fly fishing, arctic grayling, wildlife, photography For the ultimate in Lake Trout and Arctic Grayling fishing, visit us near the top of the world. A fly-fisherman's dream and a photographer's paradise. All inclusive packages from Winnipeg or Saskatoon.
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facebook.comThrowback Thursday to Mosquito Lake 2017 when Bruno hooked into this big old laker. Send us a message if you want to get in on some of this in 2018. We have room but it's going fast 💨 #tuktolodge #arcticfishing #kississinglodge #kississingoutfitters #northwestterritories #nwtfishing #laketrout #catchandrelease #NWTsecrets #spectacularNWT #discovernu #nunavut #canadakeepexploring #adventure #tradition
Another Dubawnt Special right here! Big fish out of big water, and lots of them! Give us a call at 1-800-230-5519 if you want to give it a try. Better yet, come visit us at Dallas Safari Club in Booth #1520 January 4-7, 2018! #tuktolodge #arcticfishing #laketrout #kississinglakelodge #arcticgrayling #dubawntlake #nunavut #discovernu #barrenground #catchandrelease #fishcanada #explorecanada #adventure
Mosquito Lake, NWT keep em coming! Fish like this and country like that is what it's all about. Send us a message if you want in.
Another nice one out of Mosquito Lake, NWT! This fine fisherman made his mark on the leaderboard; he boated a dozen fish over 20 pounds. What a trip that was! Give us a call at 1-800-230-5519 if you want to get your name on the board in 2018! #arcticfishing #tuktolodge #kississinglakelodge #kississingoutfitters #laketrout #catchandrelease #northwestterritories #nwtfishing #arcticgrayling #nunavut #discovernu #spectacularnwt #nwtsecrets #lotsoffish #numbersandsize #adventure #arcticadventure #wildlife #tradition #trophy #leaderboard
Late season laker, right out of the cold clear fish infested waters of Mosquito Lake, NWT. Up for a quick picture, then back down she went. That's how we roll at Tukto Lodge. Send us a message if you want to come up and catch her again next summer! #tuktolodge #arcticfishing #kississinglakelodge #kississingoutfitters #catchandrelease #laketrout #trophy #bigfish #NWTfishing #Northwestterritories #spectacularnwt #nwtsecrets #nunavut #discovernu #barrenlands #north #fishcanada #adventure #tradition
After an unreal summer of fishing in NWT & Nunavut, followed by a solid moose season in Northern Saskatchewan, we are back at it in the office. It's hard to put the adventures and experiences that were had over the past 5 months into words, but over the winter we will unpack some pictures and stories from the 2017 season at Tukto Lodge. #arcticfishing #tuktolodge #kississinglakelodge #kississingoutfitters #NWTfishing #Northwestterritories #NWT #fishNWT #Nunavut #DiscoverNU #catchandrelease #season2017 #spectacularNWT #NWTsecrets #flyinfishing #laketrout #arcticgrayling #fishcanada #ecotourism #wildlifephotograpy #muskox #caribou #barrengroundgrizzly #adventure #tradition #arcticexperience
Hope everyone's Friday is going as good as Tommy's was last summer on Mosquito Lake, NWT. We had to put up with some windy days that week, but when it settled down a bit the water was just twitching with actively feeding Lake Trout! Just a few more feet of ice to go until we'll be up there again this summer. Send us an email if you want to experience some Arctic ice out fishing this July! #tuktolodge #arcticfishing #kississinglakelodge #kississingoutfitters #mosquitolakenwt #nwtfishing #nwt #nunavut #northwestterritories #discovernu #spectacularnwt #laketrout #catchandrelease #arctic #adventure
Trout Tuesday! Some healthy late season laker on Mosquito Lake, NWT. As we get into August and September the trout are headed up into the rocks they get ready to spawn. All this activity, matched with their fancy coloured spawning fins and our crystal clear water makes for quite a show in the shallows. And it's nothing short of amazing when your hitting double headers and follow upon follow every pass all day/week long! Come see us this fall, we'd love to put you there. #tuktolodge #arcticfishing #kississinglakelodge #kississingoutfitters #laketrout #arcticgrayling #northwestterritories #nwtfishing #spectacularnwt #nwtsecrets #canadakeepexploring #catchandrelease
Caribou are pretty fun animals to watch. Their curiosity makes for some memorable moments when you come across one. If your smart about it you can usually get in pretty close. This particular bull decided to swim on over and check us out as we trolled the shoreline right outside camp. He wasn't overly concerned with the wind, waves, rain, or potential threat of our boat rocking along just a few yards away. He just bobbed on over to see what we were up to, then bobbed back to shore and carried on with his usual business. #tuktolodge #arcticfishing #kississinglakelodge #kississingoutfitters #nwtfishing #northwestterritories #nwt #spectacularnwt #nwtsecrets #nunavut #discovernu #canadakeepexploring #caribou #barrengroundcaribou #wildlifephotography #season2017
Get in on some white sand shore lunch action this summer on Mexico Beach. Kick off your shoes and soak in some Arctic sun after you and your arms take a well earned breather after the mornings' haul. Dip your toes in the water if you like, although it won't be many mississipis before you can't feel them! If you want to walk off your lunch before getting back out on the water there are a lot of neat places on land your guide can take you to check out. Wolf dens, look-out points and an old trapper cabin to name a few... When your in one of the wildest places left on this earth you never know what you are going to find, so keep exploring! #tuktolodge #kississinglakelodge #kississingoutfitters #arcticfishing #nwtfishing #northwestterritories #NWT #nunavut #discovernu #spectacularnwt #nwtsecrets #canadakeepexploring #whitesandybeach #adventuretourism #laketrout #arcticgrayling #muskox #arcticwolf
It feels like Christmas around here looking through the "Wishbook" and putting together our tackle order for 2017. We'll be restocking our shop with the old faithfuls you have come to know and love, as well as some new patterns and ideas to stir things up. Hard to believe that in just a few short months we will be dropping them down into Mosquito Lake, NWT! #tuktolodge #arcticfishing #kississinglakelodge #kississingoutfitters #nwtfishing #northwestterritories #nwt #spectacularnwt #nwtsecrets #canadakeepexploring #laketrout #catchandrelease #arcticgrayling #eppinger #trollingfortrophies #bigfish #season2017