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Goooood Morning good looking people. Review of the bombers and library social from the wknd on the big show. Reveal the weekly auction item..and our query du jour....what 3 fictional characters would you want to be seated next to at a pot luck dinner party with????
Goood Morning you magnificent sowensoes..Friday, baybay~! New hockey draft standings and countdown to the end of the weekly auction. just a note buses won't be able to get to Manitoba ave and Queen street because of snow clearing. Anf the patented query du jour.Olympics opening ceremonies going on in South Korea...what is your fav Olympic memory????//
haha :)
GoooooooD Morning comrades, friends and visitors~! Tix to the next arts council show to giveaway on the big show today. Another day of our Krusty Rusty contest with a 100$ Mugsy's GC on the line. Plus ..our query du jour ..what would you say is the official/unofficial dish of Flin Flon????????? Moose meat? OV in corn flakes? comment below..its free dammit!
Gooooooood mornning fine smelling and attractive listenership~! Wordy Wednesday returns with our last library cabaret ticket giveaway, a review of the bomber game, an event that's over 3 decades in the making is on it's way and the query du jour.what Flin Flon quirk is your fav..mine is everybody talks about going there even a downtown?
Goooood Morning!! Aloha good looking people~! Query du Jour today...olympics are coming up...what would be good events to create so Flin Flonners could win the gold???Ice fishing? stalled car pushing?? etc etc
Good Morning, Flin Flonners, Creightonites..even Cranberrians and Denare Beachcombers. Review all the fun stuff going on over the week plus talk Super Sunday Commercials and a new twist on our social media rundown..and the query du jour....and it could be a touch controversial...what's oddest Canada/American language difference..I'm going with Canada Grade 10 but in America Tenth Grade..comment below