My mission is to ignite the light in each and everyone of you through self love and discovery.
Namastacey xo As a former provincial gymnast and cheerleader, Stacey participated in highly active styles of fitness during her adolescence. After developing an auto-immune condition a few years ago, working out was no longer an option for Stacey. Years of unanswered visits to the doctor and failed medical help pushed Stacey to seek alternative healing modalities specifically in the form of Acupuncture, PEMF, Reiki, and Yoga. To Stacey's own skepticism and surprise, she began to heal. With such amazing results and a newfound passion for the energy healing therapies, Stacey was offered the PEMF business in which she had received previous treatments from. She then went on to train to become a PEMF Therapist with Josh Silver, Pulsed Energy Technologies LLC. Stacey continued to extend her education by taking workshops in Energy Management and Intuition Development through Andrew Keith, MBA, Medium and Cellular Healing Specialist.
With her health on the rise, Stacey attended Yandara Yoga Institute in BCS Mexico to deepen her own practice and knowledge by immersing herself in yoga, like-minded community, lifestyle, energy and spirituality. She received certification as a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher and Level I & II Reiki Practitioner. After returning home from Yandara, Stacey furthered her education and became a Reiki Master Teacher, Regressional Hypnotherapist, as well as attended Crystal Healing, Jyotish Astrology and Mediumship workshops. Experiencing what can only be described as a welcoming home party, Stacey discovered she had found her soul's purpose. Stacey thus added Reiki, Yoga, Regressional Hypnotherapy, and Birth Chart Readings, to the PEMF business which was passed on to her. Stacey is creator of Sage and Center: Yoga, Health & Healing a business which aims to inspire all on the amazing abilities our very own bodies have to heal themselves. Sage and Center encourages energy healing, quantum hypnosis, breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, ayurveda, and positive thinking so that one can become the driver of our their own vehicle (the body).
Stacey practices and guides the benefits of complimentary therapies which connect the mind, body and spirit to promote both physical and mental well-being for all. Stacey's adventurous wild soul travels the world hosting retreats, workshops, and training's as well as continuing her own education/growth. She has just arrived back to Canada as a Certified Life Coach and 500 hr Advanced Yoga Teacher offering services in Estevan, Saskatchewan her native land.
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Sage and Center: Yoga, Health, & Healing WILL ALWAYS BE MY FIRST BABY BUT ONTO THE NEXT CHAPTER OF MY PURPOSE! Accepting the Divine <3 <3 <3 Accepting the Divine was created based off our awareness that all is already divine just as it is. Through the act of mindful awareness and learning to accept the present moment, one can cultivate harmony in their mind, body and soul. We aim to inspire all on the concept that, "It is not about believing, but about seizing the disbelief." As two individuals brought together by awakening to their own higher vibrations and a Twin Flame magnetism our divinely guided mission is to ignite the light in each and every one of you. Through conscious living workshops, retreats, training's, and healing sessions we offer guidance through our learned experiences on all of life's challenges and struggles. A shift in perception to allow acceptance of what is present. A guide to enlighten and awaken one to conscious living with proper emphasis on energy healing modalities, breathing techniques, intuition development, the mind-body connection, an understanding of the secret language of your body, meditation, yoga, nutrition, self care techniques, morning/evening rituals, thinking for oneself, and spiritual counsel. "I AM THAT, I AM" NAMASTACEY XOXO