Critters to Castles provides pet-care in YOUR home, the place your pet feels most comfortable. Our service is flexible and pet focused. Critters to Castles is celebrating 10 years of quality pet care in the Wellington County catchment area.
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The Good Vet and Pet Guide
Critters to Castles
The Good Vet and Pet Guide
The Good Vet and Pet Guide
Further to my earlier post regarding paperwork....
As many of you know, Linda volunteered in Northern Ontario last summer, helping with the spay/neuter programs in Native communities. One night, in very nasty weather, she managed to locate a puppy who had gone missing. In fact, had she not been in the right place at the right time it is doubtful if the pup would have survived. It was a foregone conclusion that this particular puppy would be joining our family in Elora. We named the puppy Cubby, and he has proven to be a joyful addition to our home. Although he won't win a prize in the looks department, he is winsome in so many other ways....except one. He has a persistent need to take things outside through the doggie door: remote controllers, 'phones, laundry, shoes...anything he can find that isn't nailed down. It's been a plus, since we always put the laundry away now as soon as it's folded...we were running out of socks and underwear. I found this behaviour endearing and funny, nicknaming him "The Artful Dodger"...until this week, when things became decidedly unfunny. It is my custom to attend to scheduling, invoicing, messages and the like, first thing every morning. The task would be impossible without a steaming cup of coffee. I enjoy early morning, all is quiet, and even the dogs are still drowsy, to say nothing of the parrot. Cubby changed all that. Weary of solitude, and wanting my attention, he jumped into my lap, knocking my coffee cup sky high and dousing the computer. It has since recovered, with the exception of the number keys and a selection of punctuation, including the exclamation point. I urge you to try invoicing or creative writing without the use of these keys in order to fully understand my dismay. But I signed up for this. This morning started out quietly, and I got month end rolling, proudly thinking how well behaved the dogs were in allowing me the time to attend to paperwork. It took extra time to write numbers out in full, so I was glad of the interlude. Cubby had also chosen this time to attend to paperwork. Galloping happily into the den, he was grinning around what appeared to be a piece of cardboard. I think I knew what it was before he cooperatively dropped it at my feet. My prized copy of "Mary Rose" by J.M. Barrie, gifted to me by a wonderful friend who inscribed it with "Betty, I finally found her....August Nineteen ninety one"...see what I mean about numbers? I shut my eyes and swallowed really hard about six times before I went out to the deck to see if I could salvage anything...confetti is the word that comes to mind. Then I went on Amazon and ordered a cheap, paperback copy to be delivered on February twenty-ninth. Because I signed up for this.
Alabama SPCA
The Good Vet and Pet Guide