We are a school of 500 students in Elmvale, Ontario.
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facebook.comKindergarten Orientation Families who have registered their children for Kindergarten for the 2018-2019 school year are welcome to attend a Kindergarten Orientation Session at Huronia Centennial Elementary School on Thursday, May 17th starting at 4:00 pm. Come experience what life is like in Kindergarten! Explore different areas of the program, meet Kindergarten educators and ask questions. You must register your child at the school in order to attend this orientation. Visit for more information. If your child is turning four in 2018 and you have not yet registered please come into the school or call 7053221101.
We watched this video during a professional development session this morning. We feel it is great advice for teachers and parents not only in math but problem solving in many situations.
Greg LeRock Concert On the morning of Thursday, April 5, the Grade 4, 5 and 6 classes will be travelling to the Orillia Opera House to participate in a French rock concert by Gregg LeRock. Gregg’s high-energy concerts feature pop, dance, folk, blues and rock, guaranteed to get every kid singing and rocking … in French! Hear a sample now at All songs are related to the FSL curriculum and tickets are $16.00. Seats are already reserved... so if you wish to attend and haven't reserved a seat, please speak to Madame Cole.
The H.C.E.S. French department is hosting a: VOYAGEUR PRESENTATION - APRIL 24, 2018 (in the afternoon and for the Intermediate classes) in the gym. The presentation will be in French and/or English for students about the fur trade, its importance for Canada, the life and nature of the voyageurs, furs, trade goods, singing, dancing and contests of strength and agility, à la canadienne. There is no cost to students for this exciting event.
We had a great visit from @SpkngOfWildlife today ! We learned so much about some animals of Ontario. Thank you to Crystal and Brady!
Barrie Colts Fundraiser-Update! Colts ticket orders to support the HCES band are due the Friday February 9th! Please consider supporting this important fundraiser! To support the band program a Barrie Colts hockey game fundraiser has been organized. The game will take place on February 17, 2018 and will feature the Colts vs the Niagara Ice Dogs. The tickets are $20.00 per person with $6.00 from the price of each ticket going to support the band. For this fundraiser payment must be in the form of cash or cheque (no cash online), to accomodate groups who wish to sit together. Please note, if you would like to sit together with another person or family group, please send in ONE order form. Only 200 tickets will be sold, first come, first served! Please submit orders and payment by Friday February 9 at 4:00 pm to the H.C.E.S. office. An order form can be found at the bottom of the post at this link. Thank you!
Skating at Huronia Centennial Students in grades two, six, seven and eight are going skating at the Elmvale arena beginning next week. If you have skates or helmets that you no longer use and would be willing to donate, it would be much appreciated. Please drop them off at the school office as soon as possible. If you are available to volunteer on Thursdays from 9:00-10:40 to accompany the grade twos to the arena and back please let the office know at 705-322-1101. Thank you so much for your consideration of these matters.
Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser Back by Popular Demand! Huronia Centennial Presents….Our Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser (our final one of the school year) Please help support our grade 7/8 end of year trip! It's Pizza Time again! Time for you, your friends, and your family to get your Little Caesars Pizza Kits! Have them on hand for quick dinners, parties or entertaining! Buy several kits and stock your freezer. We are asking everyone to sell 10 kits to reach our goal. Orders are due Tuesday February 20th and pizza pickup will occur Tuesday March 6 from 1:00-4:30 p.m. How: 1. Turn in your completed order form and payment to the school. Collect payment at the time you take orders. Please make cheques payable to Huronia Centennial Elementary School. Fill out the top portion of your order form with your name and the best contact phone number (cell phones preferred). or 2. Place your order at You will have the option to pay via credit card for your entire brochure order, or just your personal purchase. Go to Click on -Products, then Order Pizza Kits Select- Ship My Order to the Group Enter Fundraiser ID# (345051) Select "Seller" to pay for your entire brochure order or select "Supporter" to only pay for the Kits your personally wish to purchase. Please do not submit these orders on any Order Form you turn in to the school. Please note that pizza kits should be picked up as soon as possible on March 6th as we do not have freezer space to store them. Remember if the products thaw they cannot be refrozen. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Mr. MacKenzie at 705-322-1101 or email at Thank you for your support and participation!
Thank you to Circle K in Elmvale for your generous donation toward our school through the "Fueling Our Schools" program. It is much appreciated by our students, staff and school community. #circlekontario #fuelforschools #macsconvenience #fuelingourschools
Barrie Colts Fundraiser To support the band program a Barrie Colts hockey game fundraiser has been organized. The game will take place on February 17, 2018 and will feature the Colts vs the Niagara Ice Dogs. The tickets are $20.00 per person with $6.00 from the price of each ticket going to support the band. For this fundraiser payment must be in the form of cash or cheque (no cash online), to accomodate groups who wish to sit together. Please note, if you would like to sit together with another person or family group, please send in ONE order form. Only 200 tickets will be sold, first come, first served! Please submit orders and payment by Friday February 9 at 4:00 pm to the H.C.E.S. office. An order form can be found at the bottom of the post at this link. Thank you!
The spirit assembly is cancelled today due to the bus cancellations. We wish all Huronia Centennial family and friends a wonderful Christmas holiday!