Woolwich Physiotherapy provides physiotherapy services for Elmira and the surrounding communities. Woolwich Physiotherapy provides physiotherapy services for Elmira and the surrounding communities. We are committed to providing personalized assessment and evidence-based treatments.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS We are rooting for Phil Bauman as he is preparing to run the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 18th. Running a marathon is not an easy feat. Running a marathon following a significant knee and ankle injury is another level all together. Phil has been working hard to rehab his injuries to get him back into running condition and he's ready to go. And he is doing this all for a great cause. He is raising money to assist with the Syrian Refugee crisis. Its not too late to donate. Go Phil!
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The real reason for those persisting headaches?
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Saner TV
Come out & cheer on the Sun Rays for there first official home game!
Bell Let's Talk
Keep the conversation going! #BellLetsTalk
How Exercise May Help Us Fight Off Colds
Why maintaining a routine of regular exercise will keep you healthier this winter!