We are a Veterans club located in Dundas Ontario. We offer a place for our Veterans to gather. Membership is open to all wishing to join. We offer to the public hall rentals, & daily lunches from Tuesday to Fridays (11:30 am to 2:30 pm). Our Mission:
The Hamilton Air Force Association is a Veterans Service Club first established in 1946 with the following the purposes and objectives:
(a) To operate and constitute a club for the members of the Corporation being members and former members of the Armed Forces of the British Common-wealth of Nations and their Allies.
(b) To promote fellowship and esprit de corps among the members of the Corporation.
(c) To do all such other things as are necessary or conductive to the attainment of the mentioned objectives: and
(d) To see to the maintenance and comfort of those who require special treatment, of the disabled, sick, aged and needy, and to promote the welfare of all underprivileged children, and to assist any and all public bodies in all charitable activities not-withstanding race, colour or creed.
Club Facilities:
A Banquet Hall which will hold up to 200 persons is available to rent to the general public and to members at a reduced rate. It features a bar, cloak room, stage. Contact the Club at 905-628-6697 for additional details on bookings and prices.
The 50 seat Dining Room may be booked by Club members for functions such as meetings, parties, stags, etc. Food can be pre-arranged for these functions.
A 30 seat Lounge next to the downstairs bar is available for the use of all members and quests. For parties of 15 or more advanced booking is advised however the room is not private and is open to others.
An Outdoor Patio off the dining room is available for use in warmer weather.
The Games Room downstairs in the Club has the following items for the enjoyment of members and guests:
2 Snooker Tables -Snooker and numbered balls are available for use on the tables.
Shuffleboard - Check with the bar steward for availability of shuffleboard wax if required.
4 Dart Boards – 2 in Games Room , 2 in Dining Room - Lighting controls are located behind the bar.
Cards, cribbage boards, poker chips, etc are available from the bar steward. (No cash on tables)
Membership Information:
The membership of the Association is divided into four classes as follows:
a) REGULAR MEMBERS shall be composed of persons who have served or are serving with the British Commonwealth or Allied Armed Forces.
b) ASSOCIATE MEMBERS shall be composed of such persons elected by two-thirds of the Executive as it sees fit.
c) LIFE MEMBERS shall be composed of Past Presidents, members who have served as a Director and/or as a member of the Executive for a total of five years, and those awarded as an honorarium as recommended by the Executive for approval at a general meeting.
d) HONOURARY MEMBERS shall be composed of persons elected to membership by a majority vote of the Executive, provided that any such membership continue only until the first meeting of the Executive following the annual election of officers. Honourary members shall not be required to pay annual membership fees.
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Entertainment by our friend Tom Cowles.

Beautiful person; beautiful bride! XO
