Old Baldy Ranch
AQHA / NFQH Grullo and Blue roans We have been breeding and selling Quarter horses for 18 years, striving for beauty and brains. Most of our horses are double registered with the National Foundation Quarter Horse Association. 3 stallions: JAZ POCO SILVERADO AQHA silver grullo NFQH 100% ROM Reining. LBJ SIERRAS BLUE TE AQHA blue roan. JAZ ZIGGY STEEL DUST AQHA / NFQH 98% have a large herd of selected and home raised mares to manage. Please go to our website: www.northernhorse.com/oldbaldy for more info. Pictures, pedigrees and the sale barn is a must see!
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Red roan AQHA filly born May 17 2017 Sired by LBJ Sierras Blue Te mother is Hancock Blue Gem. Have the yearling and 2 yr full siblings, stunning. *** FOR SALE ***
Photos from Old Baldy Ranch's post
Huge grulla filly may possibly be silver AQHA / NFQH 100% sired by Jaz Poco Silverado and mom is Jaz PB Silver Dove born May 13 and pictured at one day old. **** SOLD ****
Photos from Old Baldy Ranch's post
Born May 9th " Marty " Grullo colt sired by Jaz Poco Silverado, dam is a Bandit daughter AW Miss Sierra TE. Has quite the neck cape of markings pictures at one day old. FOR SALE
Photos from Old Baldy Ranch's post
Born May 2nd pictures at 3 hours old. AQHA grullo colt stout and solid, lovely head. Sired by Jaz Poco Silverado out of AW Lailaa Te a black Bandit daughter.......SOLD !! Congratulations Merlin you finally got your Silverado baby
Photos from Old Baldy Ranch's post
Born April 27th AQHA / NFQH Red dun colt by Jaz Poco Silverado out of AW Chalina Te a Bandit daughter. Very friendly colt & tall may have some silver roaning in his coat as he matures. I see head horse possibilities!! FOR SALE
Photos from Old Baldy Ranch's post
First baby of the year at 24hrs. old. Sire: LBJ Sierras Blue Te Dam: AW Poco Silvana AQHA / NFQH and she is for sale!! $2500 plus taxes SOLD Lucky you Breana !! Many thanks for your love of our horses and your third purchase!!
Photos from Old Baldy Ranch's post
AW POCO CHANTELLE AQHA / NFQH 98% has been sold to IRON MONEY FOUNDATION QUARTER HORSES in Fort St. John, BC. She will join her mother Jaz GC Beauty, pasture mate Jaz GC Harmony and her old boyfriend JAZ POCO SILVERADO. She will be a huge assest to Nicole & Marty as they strive to build up their outstanding foundation program. Chantelle is heavy in foal to Silverado for this spring and this baby and the future ones will be 99% NFQH. It was a tough decision to let this daughter of Matt go, but the right one to preserve and carry on this bloodline. It was made a little easier when I spied Two Eyed Blue Jewell upon delivering Silverado. Jewell will be a welcome assest and a wonderful mate for either LBJ Sierras Blue Te or his son AW Blue Fire N Te.
Photos from Old Baldy Ranch's post
Congratulations to Marty & Nicole Guggisberg of IRON MONEY FOUNDATION QUARTER HORSES. Pround new owners of JAZ POCO SILVERADO AQHA / NFQH 100% silver grullo stallion. It was an extremely hard decision to part with this magnificant animal who has given me so much love and beautiful babies, but with slowing down our breeding program and only breeding 5 - 7 mares a year, it was time to let him continue his legacy with someone else. Silverado was never advertised but when Nicole came mare shopping last year, I knew I had found who I was looking for! Nicole is a kindred spirit with the same love and passion for horses and in particular the love of foundation horses and this bloodline. The great work started by Brent Jensen & Gail Zscheile with Little Steel Dust at the Jaz Ranch shall continue.
National Foundation Quarter Horse Association
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Welcome to Old Baldy Ranch
2016 babies are finally starting to arrive! AQHA / NFQH Lots of color prices start at $1000 plus taxes. $500 deposit holds till weaning. Go to: www.northernhorse.com/oldbaldy under the sale barn for more pictures and pedigrees.
Watch Rare Video Of The Legendary Poco Bueno!!