Crystal Ridge Community Church
Whether you have never been to church, or you've been hundreds of times, or you are retuning from a long absence, we invite you to get acquainted with Crystal Ridge Community Church and, more importantly, to get connected with Christ.
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facebook.comHuge thanks to Luc Chimienti for his continued support of The Lighthouse with his delivery of farm fresh eggs. YUMMY!!!
Huge thanks to our newest volunteers Becky and Lindsey, helping people at the Lighthouse to be more comfortable on a computer, teaching ESL and this morning donating a beautiful computer for folks to use. Volunteers are the greatest.
Thank you Jesus! Amen!
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He is Risen indeed! Happy Easter Everyone!
Women Living Well
Truth For Life with Alistair Begg
This is our Easter Weekend Calendar Thursday April 13 - Foot Washing Service @7pm. Good Friday Service @ 10am with Bertie Church followed by brunch Sunrise Service - Sunday @ 6:30 am at the Palm wood Pavillion Easter Sunday Service @ 10:30am Everyone welcome! Come celebrate our Risen Lord this weekend with us!
Reverend Barbara Anne Ramar has been tutoring a 9 yr old new immigrant in English for the past few months and reports she is blossoming; learning in leaps and bounds now and so much more comfortable in school. Mom, with almost no English, now willing to work with another ESL volunteer. Who gets more out of volunteering; the recipient or the giver? Hard to say.
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Volunteers have been very busy over past 4 months doing renos at the Church; new flooring, new clothing room, new privacy for front alcoves (library,computer) and the kitchen reno is entering the final stages. The dishwasher WORKS. WOWEE YOWEE
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Love is not just a feeling, it's also a commitment to do for another! Be love to someone each day this week!
Phil Smith & Sarah Randall - Realtors - Royal LePage Niagara Real Estate
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This is available for whomever needs it.