A forum for Huron County to share information on parenting. Our goal is to provide the residents of Huron County with a forum to receive the most current and up-to-date information on parenting.
Professional, evidence-based support is provided by public health nurses from the Huron County Health Unit with the focus being on children ages 0-17 years old.
For more information feel free to visit our website at
The Huron County Health Unit is designated a "Baby-Friendly" Community Health Facility.
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facebook.comYou know summer is right around the corner when beach water testing has started. Follow us on Twitter @huronbeachinfo
June 4-8 is Safe Kids Week, the focus this year is on kids and concussions. A concussion happens more frequently then we think. What has your experience as a parent been? #KidsAndConcussion #SKW2018
A new way to access the immunization record using your child’s health care number. Welcome to ICON (Immunization Connect Ontario), a new secure online system for submitting student immunization information to Huron County Health Unit.
Prevent child #falls at home by installing window guards and safety gates. Wall-mounted gates must be used at the top of stairs, and wall-mounted or pressure gates can be used at the bottom of stairs. #KidsAndConcussion #SKW2018
• Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion; it can happen even without a direct hit to the head and without losing consciousness. #KidsAndConcussion #SKW2018
SLEEP What is it and who gets it. Sleep is one of the most common questions that we are asked by parents. Typically wanting to know what should sleep look like now. What is normal. In every different life, stage sleep looks different. Right now I have a 13-year-old who I believe is entering his own sleep stage. The struggle is real. How can your local Public Health Nurse help you?
Parenting concerns or questions? Come to the Child and Family Centers in Goderich and Clinton on Tuesday mornings to visit with the Public Health Nurse. No appointment needed (see link for exact date and times). Supporting families with children 0-17 years of age. Private messages are always welcome
Do you have a child who is Keen for Kindergarten?
Wondering how to have the conversation on consent? This video is a great example. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Food recall warning due to defective packaging. Check the link below to see the details for select PC Organics food pouches and Love Child Organics brand.
Happy Victoria Day long weekend. If you will be spending time outdoors be aware of ticks and how to remove them safely.
Our HIP newsletter for parents of kids from Grades K- 6 is out! Check out these ways to de-stress dinner time and cut back on screen time -