RANmission.ca - Ruth And Naomi's
Transforming the lives of the poor, the homeless and the addicted
by bringing hope and healing through the love of God.
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facebook.comA huge thank you to Nina de SouzaJensen and Ecclesiastical Insurance Group for the $50,000 grant that will be going towards services at our new Family Centre and to Reg Esau from HUB insurance for nominating RAN Mission for this amazing grant! So many families will be blessed by this generosity.
This group comes out every Sunday for church and serves so many. Tonight was no exception. Thanks to the donations that came in and everyone working together we had our 3rd annual Super Bowl party and it was just a great time had by all. For so many it was an opportunity to just put life on pause for a few hours and enjoy the game, each other’s company and some excellent food. Thank you to these and all of those who volunteer at the mission for making this a place of peace and a welcoming environment for us all.
Thank you to Allison and her classmates in Miss Sharman’s class at FG Leary. They were asked to do a project that helps others and Allison collected blankets for our guests here at RAN Mission. Your caring for others will go a long way. Thank you to her teachers, parents and school for helping her help others.
Every Sunday we have a Street Church service where our guests, residents, staff, volunteers and partners in the community can come together and worship with one another and share a meal. Last Sunday we had over 150 people attend our cafe style service and as we sang this song to start off the evening you can start to hear the chorus of voices joining in as we went along. Thanks to Curtis Fast from Yarrow MB for leading our worship time. The song is “Death in His Grave.” By John Mark McMillan
We are running a winter shelter throughout March along with all of our regular services. Thank you so much for the socks and toques and various items that were donated over Christmas. Some people have been asking about our needs. We still are in need of financial gifts along with Men’s shoes and these hand warmers are a huge help for our folks. Thank you for giving so much in 2017.
So many workplaces, community groups and churches have been bringing by items for our Christmas Hampers and for things that will last us through the winter. We will try and get something out to thank everyone involved but here are some pics from a few of the latest donations. Thank you Yarrow Alliance Church, Project Dance, Sardis Elementary and the Waverly for your generous donations to this community effort. If you have pictures or video from when your teams have been putting stuff together or gathering donations please send them so we can share.
A huge thank you to Jeff and Jenn Gamache from Fraser Fir Farms for donating a beautiful Christmas tree. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the mission!
Thank You to Brent at Soapbox Studios for creating our new website. Go and check it out today. https://ranmission.ca/